
Alexandre Pires back in Portugal

The Altice Arena was the scene of the party of the Basel music with the singer Alexandre Pires, which spread joy and a lot of rhythm to the audience present.

[dropcap type=”background”]W[/dropcap]ith 18 million records in Brazil and the rest of the world, including Portugal, presents now a new concert “O Prom do Négo Véio” for the Portuguese public but also for the very Brazilian people who lived in Portugal.

The concert features many successes from the beginning of his career when he was still part of the “Just To Counter” group, to the most recent successes.

In 25 years of his career, Alexandre Pires, has recorded 18 records in Portuguese and in Spanish, and has several national and international awards, received a World Music Award for the most sold record in the history of the Brazilian phonographic industry.

Alexandre Pires, singer, producer, musical arranger, dancer, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter, with over 250 recorded songs, Alexandre Pires is one of the most important artists in Brazilian music today.

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