The lead single from the debut LP by the music producer Noiz Estúdio was released on the record market, with the label Warner Music Portugal.
“O Meu para Semper”, a single that brings together the voices of Amaura and Héber Marques with the musical production of Tayob J., reached the record market and is the opening chapter of what will be the first background work of the creator of Noiz Estúdio as an author. A “dream” by Tayob J. that is now starting to take shape with this opening theme and the first two guests – big ones -, and which will take on its final form around next October, with a total of 12 tracks and under the title “The Beauty of Error”.
With lyrics and voices in both hands and so many throats, by Amaura and Héber Marques, already two stars in the panorama of neo-soul, rhythm and blues, and funk sounds made in Portugal, “O Meu para Semper” features the performances of Nuno Melo on guitars, Miles Bonny (producer and trumpeter from New Jersey) on the woodwind arrangement, and Maria João on violin. Tayob J. is the “conductor” on duty, uniting everyone’s arts.
“This inaugural theme addresses a love relationship with many ups and downs, perhaps more downs than ups, but in which both are certain that the union will last forever. The song is a clear representation of the concept of A Beleza do Erro and embraces imperfections, ours and those of those we are with, with the certainty that tomorrow will come better. And that we will be here to live it”, explains Tayob J., who, in recent times, in front of the Noiz Estúdio consoles, has multiplied in productions for Chullage, Wet Bed Gang, Dino d’Santiago, Virgul, Domingues, Murta, X-Tense, NBC, Sir Scratch, Puro L, Soraia Tavares, Domi, and many others. Which are giving new solidity to the new walls of the national music scene, in multiple sonic dimensions.
But here comes the turn of Tayob J.. A Portuguese man of (four) gem(s) – son of a Brazilian mother of Polish descent and a Mozambican father of Indian origin -, born in Lisbon, where he got used to merging worldviews gathered professionally in other world capitals, this in a musical direction and production that is well aware of its multicultural DNA. Whose identity is based mainly on rap and neo-soul.
In A Beleza do Erro, he guarantees, there will be themes where such sonic registers will be evident, but more subtle in other tracks, for which he has invited several interpreters known to the general public. The recordings are still taking place at Noiz Estúdio, with “artists that I’m really a fan of, musicians that I listen to in my day-to-day life and that inspire me in some way, performers that embrace their mistakes and have their own unique line”, he reveals, considering it still premature to go ahead with the names in question.
In other songs on the LP, underlines Tayob J., he will seek to reconcile his universe with a more pop and comprehensive language and, also, with more conceptual moments and with a “more present sound design”.
For now, a first piece of evidence of the work in progress: “O Meu para Sempre”.
The theme is available from this Friday on Spotify and on platforms like Tidal and Apple Music. And also in a music video, in which Prathik Poojary collaborated in character design, direction, animation, and editing, André Santos, in the design work, and Jessica Gomes, in the character design for the cover of the single.
About Tayob J.:
Sound engineer, DJ, beatmaker, producer and musical director, musician… Tayob Juskow was born in Lisbon, in April 1996, and started taking his first steps in his first art in 2008, influenced by hip-hop culture. The beginning of his career had a ramp in DJing that catapulted him to other stages. He went through Meo Sudoeste, Outjazz, and Festival Iminente, among others, and was also under the spotlight of international events, in England and Spain, where he accompanied several national artists. In a short time, he managed to create a catalog of signed productions alongside a wide variety of artists from the national music scene. In 2017, he founded Noiz Estúdio, and, more recently, the satellite counterpart Pilot Room, with professionals trained by him, where he lends wings to emerging musical projects that intend to fly higher. In 2023, Tayob J. prepares his first album under his own name, entitled A Beleza do Erro, with the collaboration of several well-known musicians.
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