
Ana Arrebentinha makes her debut at Casino Estoril with the monologue “Coisas de Mulheres“

A double humor session, with “Coisas de Mulheres” starting at 9:30 pm Casino Estoril.

With a very diverse program, the Casino Estoril Auditorium proposes, on the next 6th and 7th of March, the monologue “Coisas de Mulheres” which will be starring Ana Arrebentinha. 

“Coisas de Mulheres” (“Women’s Things”) is Ana Arrebentinha‘s new show. They are stories of the female condition in the apparent vulgarity of everyday life for all women in a hilarious and unique show.

On top of a stage are exposed all the questions to which no woman is indifferent and which no man leaves as an innocent.

The diets, the children that exist or not, the clothes, the weddings, the sex and many more topics will be approached in a critical and atypical way.

“Coisas de Mulheres” is an intensely humorous monologue in its approach to the female universe. Played by Ana Arrebentinha, it will certainly lead the spectator, and not least the spectator, to review themselves in the situations reported as those who laugh in the mirror.

Ana Arrebentinha started her professional artistic career in January 2012 at the Theater with the director José Lobato. Born in Amareleja, she is the Alentejana of the moment.

She has long been recognized as a brilliant anecdote teller.

His energy on stage, truly contagious and his talent, has earned him several invitations to various television programs and to share stages with some of the biggest names in national comedy.

The Casino Estoril Auditorium will receive, on the 6th and 7th of March, from 9:30 pm, the play “Coisas de Mulheres” which will be starring Ana Arrebentinha.

Tickets cost € 10 and can be purchased at the ticket offices of Casino, FNAC, Worten and here.

Access to Casino Estoril is free, and from 10 pm, it is for people over 14 years old, and over 10 years old accompanied by their parents. The game areas are for over 18 years old.

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