The main atrium of Casino Estoril will host, on the 22nd of February, from 7pm, the official presentation of the ESC Online Baja TT Montes Alentejanos and the SGS CAR Racing team. Drivers and sponsors will be present at this eagerly awaited event, which will be broadcast Live Streaming on the race’s digital channels.
The Portuguese Off-Road Championship, organized by FPAK (Portuguese Automobile and Karting Federation) begins, on the 29th of February, in the city of Beja.
The event has ESC Online as its main sponsor. Likewise, the SGS CAR Racing team, one of the largest and most prestigious in the Portuguese Off-Road Championship, has some of its drivers sponsored by ESC Online.
Numerous guests, public figures, media, as well as pilots Filipe Cachopas, Nuno Madeira, Pedro Carvalho and Nelson Caxias will be present.
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