The Aralab Group, which includes a Portuguese company for the production of climatic chambers, is the only industrial unit in Portugal with ‘know-how’ and equipment production capacity that can reach -80º.
Within the group, there are companies with strong experience in cold storage, be it freezing or deep-freezing and with extensive experience working with the pharmaceutical industry.
“The Aralab Group is ready to support the conservation of vaccines for Covid-19. We are the only Portuguese company with the capacity to do so and, since the conditions for preserving vaccines became known, we have already received contacts from companies in several countries. At this moment, in one of the Group companies, Bluestabil, we have under our responsibility about 200,000 samples in a stability study under different climatic conditions, from -20º (freezing) to 40º of temperature with 75% humidity”, says Luís Branco , administrator.
“We are knowledgeable in the storage and conservation conditions of different drugs, according to the good manufacturing practices (GMP) of the pharmaceutical industry, with a company certified by Infarmed (Portuguese medicine authority) and by the FDA (North American authority for the medicine)”, he concludes.
Recalling that the Aralab Group has already been involved in the fight against the pandemic, through the testing of protective masks, namely in assisting in the Certification and Quality Control process of face protection masks against Covid-19.
This test involves the simulation of environmental conditions, checking the reliability in preventing the transmission of droplets. Through this procedure, it is possible to validate the protection capacity of the social masks of each manufacturer and whether they should receive certification of breathability and safety.