At today’s meeting, the municipal Executive appreciates the proposal to integrate the vast and valuable set of documents that Germano Silva proposed to donate to the Porto City Council in the Historical Archive.
A piece of Porto’s history should soon be available to everyone, with the integration of Germano Silva’s documentary collection into the Municipal Historical Archive.
The journalist and promoter of Porto memoirs “proposed the donation, in favor of the Municipality of Porto and for the custody of the Municipal Historical Archive of Porto, of a set of documents that, over the years, he has been gathering as a collector and bibliophile”, can read the proposal that the mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, will present at the Executive’s meeting next Monday.
Considering that this collection “is rich in information about Porto, from its works of art to stories and episodes from the daily life of the city”, but also that “the richness and variety of documents contribute to better understanding and understanding the life of the city of Porto. Porto”, the mayor proposes that the municipality decide to accept this donation, to integrate the Municipal Historical Archive of Porto.
“This vast and valuable set of documents is part of the received correspondence, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, printed monographs, posters and several other documents”, highlights Rui Moreira, stressing that it is the Porto City Council’s mission to “promote, through its Historical Archives , the reception of files and documents relevant to the city’s history, contributing, through its technical treatment and dissemination, to the enhancement and enrichment of the city’s cultural heritage.”