
Artistas Unidos in Almada with the show Hrabal

A too noisy loneliness, from the novel by Hrabal and interpreted by António Simão, will be on the scene at the Teatro Municipal Joaquim Benite, on the 25th, 26th and 27th of September, Friday and Saturday, at 9:30 pm, Sunday at 4pm.

The Artistas Unidos resume a show created by António Simão in 1997: a powerful monologue that transports us to the yellow and raw environment of Kafka’s Czechoslovakia, a universal symbol of the existential absurdity that inhabits our lives.

A simple story: an employee who lives somewhere in a dark, old house full of books, whose task is to press old paper in a basement – tons of books every day.

A lonely man, who lives on memories of the past, on bookish phrases and beer mugs; like a vagabond who reads all the books that pass through this basement, the man becomes accidentally adored.

Bohumil Hrabal (1914-1997), the biggest name in 20th century Czech literature, left a work marked by irreverence and a sense of the grotesque.

He lived through the Nazi occupation and the post-war Stalinism, having exercised several and different trades, among which those of railroad, as a rule, telegraph operator, notary employee, marquis, insurance collector, traveling salesman, steel worker, extras of theater, and also that of a paper press, in which he would be inspired to write Uma Solão Demasiado Ruidosa, published in 1976.

António Simão stages this «history lesson with more than thirty-five years, which is the time that the character of the novel speaks (from the Second War until May 1968), immersing himself in the drives of the timeless unconscious of the World.

What Hanta, the character of this story, has suffered in these days reaches the peak of its horrendous development – industrialization, technology, consumption and dehumanization.»

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