
Azores: Gallery

The Azores – an amazing archipelago with great diversity!

Amazing natural beauties and fascinating history!

Still, a sleeping beauty, the nine islands of this fascinating archipelago, which marks the westernmost end of Europe, have everything to please the discerning traveler! If you are in search of spectacular landscapes with never-ending panoramic views; savagely beautiful untouched nature; wide open spaces where the color green in a myriad of shades prevails; exuberant flora exhibiting all colours of the rainbow, with hydrangeas, agapanthuses and azaleas in abundance; solitary hiking routes; small, peaceful villages; picturesque and deserted roads, idyllic coves and unspoilt beaches … then the Azores are the ideal holiday destination for you!

Yet, the Azores are not only virgin nature galore, the archipelago also boasts a fascinating history – due to its strategic position in the North-Atlantic, in the triangle with the three continents Europe, America, and Africa – a fact, which left the Azores with a rich cultural heritage and unique traditions for everybody interested to explore!

You choose the Azores for your next holiday destination and you will be guaranteed tranquillity and serenity, soothing colors, stimulating aromas, crystal-clear waters, a moderate climate, security, and genuine hospitality… in short, everything for a unique and incredibly revitalizing holiday… you will probably want to experience over and over again!

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