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Bossa Nova enchants the Aula Magna

Daniel Jobim brought Roberta Sá, Paulo Jobim, Jaques and Paulo Braga to a memorable concert at Aula Magna, in Lisbon.

The concert “Chega de Saudade” took place last Friday, October 8th, and was the motto for these fantastic musicians to put the be behind their backs the “saudade” (this Portuguese felling) they had, to playing on stage again, according to Daniel “We are happy to be here back“.

It turned out to be a rather intimate night with the sound of bossa nova and chorinho, Daniel Jobim, son of Paulo Jobim and grandson of Tom Jobim, brought a mixture of feelings to the stage, joy, longing, but also sadness because only when we have the opportunity to see and listen to artists and music of this quality, we are aware of what the pandemic took from us.

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Numa sala esgotada, com a presença da comunidade brasileira em grande numero, mas também grandes nomes da musica brasileira e portuguesa, como Ivan Lins, Rão Kiao e Rui Veloso, entre outros.

Pelo concerto foram passando muitos temas, “Bonita” de Vinícius de Morais, “Água de Beber” de António Carlos Jobim, “Só tinha que ser com você” de Paulo Braga, “Eu vou voltar” de Chico Buarque, “Garota de Ipanema” de António Carlos Jobim e letra de Vinícius de Moraes, entre muitas outras, todas excelentes com interpretações que levaram a ovações constantes, de pé, do publico presente na Aula Magna.

Foi com “Falando de Amor” que terminou, Roberta Sá, dona de uma voz sublime, colocou todo o publico a cantar com ela, nesta que foi não só um regresso destes artistas aos concertos em terras lusas, mas também o regresso da musica de qualidade e intemporal do Brasil a Portugal.

In a sold-out room, where a large Brazilian community could be seen, with great names in Brazilian and Portuguese music standing out, such as Ivan Lins, Rão Kiao and Rui Veloso, among others.

Many themes were played throughout the concert, “Bonita” by Vinícius de Morais, “Água de Beber” by António Carlos Jobim, “Só tinha que ser com você” by Paulo Braga, “Eu vou voltar” by Chico Buarque, “Garota de Ipanema” by António Carlos Jobim and lyrics by Vinícius de Moraes, among many others, all excellent with interpretations that led to constant standing ovations from the audience present at the Aula Magna.

It was with “Falando de Amor” that she ended, Roberta Sá, owner of a sublime voice, got the whole audience singing with her, in what was not only a return of these artists to concerts in Portugal but also the return of the quality and timeless music from Brazil to Portugal.

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