
Braga: The city

With over 2000 years of history, Braga is the oldest city in Portugal and one of the world’s oldest Catholic cities.

Founded by the Romans in the year 16 b.C. and named “Bracara Augusta” in honor to the emperor Cesar Augusto. It was the capital of Galécia, from where derived five Roman Roads, with a vast territory that went from the North Douro until the Cantabrian. After conquests and re-conquests from several people, the king of Leon, D. Afonso IV donated it as a dowry to his daughter D. Teresa at a time of her wedding with the Count D. Henrique of Burgundy.

The long history of Braga is visible in its monuments and churches, being the Cathedral the most imposing and displaying several different styles, from Roman to baroque, also being proud of the splendid houses, particularly the XVIII century ones.

A young, cosmopolitan and multicolor city, Braga shows with confidence a wide range of success and prosperity scenarios, extending its tutelary and entrepreneur arms to areas as vital as the culture, the commerce, industry, and services.

The ones who visit us have the possibility to attend a diversified touristic and cultural program, taking a civilizational route documented since the Prehistory to the current days and live the real Minho culture, engraved in the vast heritage, in the ethnographical groups, village festivals, fairs and pilgrimages, as well as in the rich and diverse handicraft.

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