
Bragança will have the first work of urban art in the country produced through artificial intelligence

The Municipality of Bragança presents a new approach to SM’ARTE – VI Festival de Street Art 2023, which takes place from the 15th to the 18th of June, in the city and in the village of Izeda. After five editions and more than 50 interventions, Bragança takes a step forward and presents the first national work of art generated through artificial intelligence.

SM’ARTE – VI Festival de Street Art returns to the streets of Bragança with an unprecedented intervention: for the first time, a work of national art will be produced, in mural painting, whose image will be generated through artificial intelligence and reproduced by the “Projeto Ruído ”. The contributions to create the work were collected from students from different schooling levels in the Municipality who responded to the challenge “How will Bragança be in the future?”. The work counts with the participation of the new generation, who, through the sharing of ideas, dreams and ambitions, idealize Bragança in the future. The most creative answers will be interpreted through artificial intelligence and computer generated images.

Hernâni Dias, mayor of Bragança highlights: “the urban art festival was always aimed at promoting Bragança, involving the community, rehabilitating spaces and creating a more creative image. This year is no exception. We involve the younger community, we appeal to their creativity and the end result will also be an innovation that aims to generate new tourist dynamics”.

SM’ARTE – VI Festival de Street Art takes place in the center of Bragança and for the first time in Vila de Izeda. Artists from Projeto Ruído (Draw and Contra), Vitus, Third Rua, Duarte Saraiva, Lucky Hell, Omir or Trip Dtos and students from the Practical and Universal Professional School (EPPU) participate in this edition. In addition to the urban art interventions, the SM’ARTE 2023 edition also features different street arts such as living statues and a street market.

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