
Bruno Torres sees Braga and Portugal at the top of the beach soccer world

The coach of the beach soccer team of Sporting de Braga, Bruno Torres, said today on arrival at Sá Carneiro airport that the triumph of the minhotos at Mundialito places the club and Portugal at the top of the world.

Speaking a day after winning the club’s most important trophy for the first time in Moscow, Bruno Torres, who is also a player and captain of the “Minho warriors”, exclaimed: “Braga is currently at the top of the world in beach soccer, Braga and Portugal “.

Sporting the cup and already after being received by about 30 fans who traveled to the airport, Bruno Torres praised the “very strong bet of Sporting Braga,” which created “all the conditions to achieve this success.”

“[The final] It was exciting, like any final, we knew it was going to be very difficult because theoretically they already gave us the victory, we knew we had to play against it because within the four lines we define the competitions. the competition with only one goal, assuming we were there to win, “said the player, recalling the 7-6 win against Italy’s Catania.

Considering that “it was historic because it was the first triumph of a Portuguese team and also because it was the most balanced of all time,” reiterated that the “taste is even more special” given these particularities.

For Bruno Torres, the secret of success was “the union” of the group and the fact that they were “warriors” on the field, stressing: “Even in the most difficult moments, when things do not go away, we fought, we fought “.

The future, he stressed, is for the reconquest of the “national championship and Euro winners”, the title of European champion.

The president of the club, António Salvador, led the entourage that was waiting for the players to the airport, agreeing to have been a “historic victory of the beach soccer”.

“In six years to compete, Braga was five times national champion and double European champion and we went to this World Cup with the hope of reaching the final, but we also knew that there were the best teams in the world,” recalled the minhoto leader.

For Antonio Salvador, “this is an important victory for the club and the city,” regretting that no representative of the municipality was present to “welcome the great champions.”

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