Cahora Bassa hydroelectric surpasses the target of 1.39% in 2018
Cahora Bassa Hydroelectric Plant (HCB) produced 13,659 gigawatts (GWh) in 2018, exceeding the target by 1.39%, the company said in a statement.
HCB reports that the volume of production achieved last year was favoured by hydrological management measures, increased water inflow and gradual improvement of water storage in the reservoir.
By 2019, the company has established 14,809 GWh as production target.
“The improvement in performance and the increase in energy production, maximizing installed capacity, also results from the plan to modernize the infrastructures in the production chain, which the Cahora Bassa Hydroelectric Plant is implementing,” reads the note.
This is the 10-year CAPEX Vital, which essentially provides for investments in the dam, power stations, Songo and Matambo substations and power transmission lines, in order to increase technical and operational reliability, the statement said.