
Cante Fest celebrates six years of singing world heritage in Serpa

The schedule for the 6th Cante Fest will adapt to the pandemic situation and run until Sunday, with initiatives broadcast online on the municipality’s pages on social networks Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Cante Fest begins on Friday with the ceremony to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the classification of cante alentejano as a World Heritage Site, which will take place, starting at 17:00, at Casa do Cante, in Serpa, and will be broadcast live on the city pages, on those social networks.

The ceremony, with exclusive in-person participation for guests, will include the opening of an exhibition of painting by Gabriel Lagarto, visit to the works of the Interpretative Center of Cante, and interventions by the Mayor of Serpa, Tomé Pires, of the Regional Director of Culture of Alentejo, Ana Paula Amendoeira, and the president of Casa do Alentejo, João Proença.

This is followed by the exhibition of a video of the Choral and Ethnographic Group of the Casa do Povo de Serpa at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, where, on November 27, 2014, he saw the announcement of the classification of the Alentejo song as a World Heritage Site.

The rest of the Cante Fest program will take place exclusively online, on the municipality’s pages on social networks, and will include the broadcasting of pre-recorded performances by 13 choral groups in the municipality of Serpa, seven on Saturday and six on Sunday, always starting at 4 pm.

On Saturday, after the broadcast of the performances and starting at 17:45, two videos will be shown, one on the return to Lisbon of the Coral and Ethnographic Group of Casa do Povo de Serpa, after having watched in Paris the announcement of the classification of the sing alentejano, and another one to present the album “Alentejo Ensemble”, from the Rancho de Cantadores de Paris.

On Sunday, starting at 17:45 and after the broadcast of the performances planned for this day, testimonies from journalists Paulo Barriga and José Serrano will be transmitted, who made a report published in the newspaper Diário do Alentejo about the journey of Serpa’s delegation to Paris to watch the classification announcement.

The program continues with the projection of the documentary “No hair, a white bow”, by Tiago Pereira, the releases of the 2nd series of the Cante Alentejano Medal, by José Teixeira, and the album “Alentejo Ensemble” by the Rancho de Cantadores de Paris, and making available for sale the collection of four CDs/books “Cantes“, by Salwa Castelo-Branco and Paulo Lima.

The Alentejo song, a collective song without instruments, was classified, on November 27, 2014, as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, by the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), thanks to an application submitted by the Chamber of Serpa and the Regional Tourism Authority of Alentejo and Ribatejo.

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