
Carolina Deslandes dazzles Lisbon < Published on January 21, 2022

Coliseu dos Recreios

The first of two concerts took place yesterday at the Coliseu dos Recreios, by Carolina Deslandes, followed by two at the Coliseu do Porto, if you still have the opportunity to go see it, don’t miss it, as the first was fantastic, with the Portuguese singer leave all your talent, sympathy and soul on stage.

Carolina, took the stage at the Coliseu dos Recreios in Lisbon for her first of 4 concerts, much-awaited, in the coliseums of Lisbon and Porto, with a simple but beautiful setting, which allowed, to highlight everyone, in what was one of the great nights in Lisbon, from the musicians who accompanied her, to the choir, and of course to the various guests who came across the stage to sing with Carolina.

Carolina Deslandes > Coliseu dos Recreios ©Margarida Rodrigues – iNeews < 2022.01.20

It was in the dark of the Coliseu with Carolina Deslandes in backlight and the theme ‘Tempestade’ that the concert began, to a shower of applause, from an audience thirsty to hear the singer, who received her with great affection and support from the first wake up.

The singer said that she couldn’t say much because the concert would be long, but it was always, framing her songs, guiding the concert with mastery, and happy, sad and fun moments followed each other.

Carolina began by thanking the public for the presence, to each one who has left his home in the last two years, who is willing to bring a test, to stay seated with a mask, the real responsible for the culture to continue, she adds, that nothing makes her happier than singing in front of the audience.

Carolina Deslandes > Coliseu dos Recreios ©Margarida Rodrigues – iNeews < 2022.01.20


Carolina Deslandes, sincere, human, a woman of causes, who says what she thinks on and off the stage, owner of huge talent and heart, was just like herself, and in addition to singing, she was talking and more than once left the stage to greet and walk with the fans, admirers, friends who were present at the Coliseum yesterday to hear her.

One of the projects she liked the most is “Mulher”, about violence against women, which continues to be a scourge in Portugal and around the world, a video that was nominated for the Latin Grammys, said the artist, which was a project that allowed her to reach people, and that one day when you’re gone, and you hear her music, you’ll know she cared.

Carolina Deslandes > Coliseu dos Recreios ©Margarida Rodrigues – iNeews < 2022.01.20

Carolina led us through her songs, songs that we all know, a musical journey that the author remembers, it could have been different when in the first concert she sold 12 tickets, and she even thought about not continuing on this path, it was thanks to a 2018 album, produced by Diogo Clemente, the father of her children, who made her give her best, an album that according to the singer, is a logbook of her life, pregnancies, of unconditional love, “Casa”.

Another of those responsible was her grandfather, a lawyer, who, when Carolina Deslandes enrolled in the Faculty of Law, to justify a need for the family’s approval, was extremely upset, told him he was not happy with her, for him, Carolina was an artist, forcing her to promise that she would pursue an artist career and pursue her dream.

Carolina Deslandes > Coliseu dos Recreios ©Margarida Rodrigues – iNeews < 2022.01.20

Then follows the part of the concert in which Carolina, alone in the company of Feodor Bivol, a guitarist who has accompanied her for 8 years, presents her new songs, which will be part of her new album, ‘Conta-me‘, ‘Amei- te‘ (that whenever he sings, he imagines herself singing with Camané, but he doesn’t know, and that he promised during the concert, to call the fado singer to invite him) and ‘Paz‘, the next single, according to Carolina the new themes are darker, are born from a difficult period in her life, but the author believes that “from broken hearts, the most beautiful songs are born”.

Then follows her first guest, to sing ‘Supermercado‘ with her, Rita Rocha, whose mentor she was on Voice Kids, an experience that Carolina, confided in, will repeat, also mentioning that Rita is a treasure and it was luck, she has born in Portugal. Then follows another guest, a great friend, Bárbara Tinoco, who with Carolina and Rita, sing, Querido ex-namorado’ and “Não desistas já de mim”.

Carolina Deslandes > Coliseu dos Recreios ©Margarida Rodrigues – iNeews < 2022.01.20

With the band back on stage, we heard ‘Eco‘ and ‘Precipícios‘ a new theme that brings another surprise guest to the stage, Carlão, for another of the highlights of the night, reaching the end of the concert, ‘Por um Triz ‘, with the audience singing at the top of their lungs, reminiscent of pre-pandemic concerts without masks, followed by ‘A Saia da Carolina‘, an updated version of the traditional song, ending with ‘Não é Verdade‘.

Of course, no one let her go, an avalanche of applause made Carolina come back and with more surprises, Leva-me a casa in the company of Bárbara Bandeira, ‘A vida toda‘ and to end a memorable concert, ‘Mountains‘ with Agir.

Carolina Deslandes > Coliseu dos Recreios ©Margarida Rodrigues – iNeews < 2022.01.20

Concert setlist

  • Tempestade
  • Apetece
  • Não me importo
  • Vergonha da cara
  • Sinais de fumo – with Diana Castro
  • A miúda gosta
  • Não me deixes
  • Nuvem
  • Avião de papel
  • Adeus, amor adeus
  • Conta-me
  • Amei-te
  • Paz
  • Supermercado – with Rita Rocha
  • Querido ex-namorado – with Rita Rocha and Bárbara Tinoco
  • Não desista já de mim – with Rita Rocha and Bárbara Tinoco
  • Eco
  • Precipícios – with Carlão
  • Por um Triz
  • A Saia da Carolina
  • Não é verdade
  • Leva-me a casa – with Bárbara Bandeira
  • A vida toda
  • Mountains – with Agir

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