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Cat Power Sings Dylan ’66 and Gisela João confirmed at Jardins do Marquês

June 28 to July 9, 2025 in the Marquês Gardens, Oeiras

The night of June 29, 2025 promises to be an unforgettable milestone in the still young but already significant trajectory of the Festival Jardins do Marquês – Oeiras Valley. The show Cat Power Sings Dylan ’66 arrives in Portugal, with Gisela João taking over the first part of the night.

Bringing together two of the most impactful female voices of today, the audience can expect an experience full of emotion, poetry, freedom and the valuable memory of those who paved this path in the past, inspiring present and future generations.

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Jardins do Marquês < Cat Power

In November 2022, Cat Power took to the stage of the iconic Royal Albert Hall to reinterpret, song by song, one of the most transformative concerts in music history. The original performance took place in May 1966 at the Manchester Free Trade Hall, but became known as the “Royal Albert Hall Concert”. This event marked the controversial transition of Bob Dylan from acoustic to electric, provoking the anger of folk purists and changing forever the direction of rock.

In this recreation, Cat Power has printed a mixture of intensity and delicacy to the songs, replacing a certain anarchic tension of the original show with a warm and luminous joy. The concert was transformed into the live album “Cat Power Sings Dylan: The 1966 Royal Albert Hall Concert”. In this record, Cat Power pays tribute to Dylan’s legacy while revitalizing some of his most iconic songs. The show followed the original format: the first half was acoustic and the second electric, with the support of a band up to the challenge.

A cantora, que desde pequena tem uma ligação profunda às músicas de Dylan, optou por não ensaiar as partes vocais, confiando que a essência da música está no momento. Entre os destaques estão versões profundamente emocionais de clássicos como “She Belongs To Me”, “Just Like a Woman” e “Mr. Tambourine Man”.
Na parte elétrica, a intensidade cresceu até atingir o seu ápice com “Ballad of a Thin Man”, em que Marshall transformou o tom sarcástico de Dylan em algo mais emocional, mas igualmente poderoso.

No final, com “Like a Rolling Stone”, a artista trouxe compaixão e energia para encerrar o espetáculo em grande estilo. Cat Power mostrou o poder da interpretação ao oferecer novas dimensões às canções de Dylan, numa performance que foi, ao mesmo tempo, uma homenagem e um ato de devoção a um artista que moldou gerações. E este momento passa por Portugal no próximo verão, na edição de 2025 do Festival Jardins do Marquês- Oeiras Valley. Cat Power canta Dylan no dia 29 de junho.

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Jardins do Marquês < Gisela João

“A Morte Saiu à Rua” is the first single from Gisela João’s new album, which will be released in January 2025. In this single, Gisela João reimagines and reinterprets the iconic song of Zeca Afonso, from 1972. Her strong and feminine voice gives new life to this piece of resistance, adding depth and creating an unforgettable mix between tradition and contemporaneity, affirming a living and democratic Portugal.

The revolution does not end at a specific moment in history and the connection of Gisela João to this imagination continues, after the unprecedented show that marked the celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of 25 April and democracy in Portugal, throughout this year. The struggle for freedom continues to be daily and Gisela João believes that it exists only as a person and can express itself through her voice, precisely because freedom exists and is defended and celebrated daily.

The project reflects an old desire of the artist to honour authors who she has always admired – and always sang -, as well as to celebrate and remember the importance of freedom. This freedom is so unavoidable that, in the understanding of Gisela João, it can not be only on stage and must be eternalized through the editing of a record, thus perpetuating the collective memory through songs that made his.

Facing fado as an expression of romantic resistance, Gisela João manages to capture its historical richness and emotional depth, elevating it beyond sadness. Thus, it becomes a genuine translation of life. In a powerful fusion between a certain fado tone and electronic elements, the first single further increased expectations for the rest of the album. And also for the concert at Jardins do Marquês – Oeiras Valley, on June 29th.

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