BLINDNESS – The woman who can see
BLINDNESS – The woman who can see
Drumming GP, Arturo Fuentes and Raquel Camarinha
CCB . 16 April. sunday. 17:00 . Small Auditorium
Composition, scenic direction, and libretto, based on the book “Ensaio sobre a Cegueira” (1995) by José Saramago (1922-2010) Arturo Fuentes
- Soprano/performer Raquel Camarinha
- Musical direction Miquel Bernat
- Music Drumming Percussion Group
- Suse Ribeiro sound design
- Musical direction Miquel Bernat
- ARTWAY Production- Vanessa Pires and Patrícia Silveira
- Edited by LondonHall Editions, Austria
- Created by Arturo Fuentes
- ARTWAY Production – Vanessa Pires and Patrícia Silveira
The woman who can see, a work based on the book “Ensaio sobre a Cegueira”, published in 1995, brings together two events that mark our time. This new musical theater directed by Fuentes is, deliberately, a reflection on the Covid-19 pandemic and, even more, important than this difficult world situation, was the celebration in 2022 of the 100th anniversary of the birth of José Saramago, the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998. A writer who manages to expose the weight of human existence, when there is a lack of new ways of thinking – a critic for improving the world and the societies in which we live.
From the very first moment, the audience is drawn into the confines of the woman they can see. Fuentes creates a harrowing musical theater in which the main character’s psychological capacities are central to the play’s narrative. We enter a woman’s world, we see with her eyes the darkness of confinement and also the sea of milk, like the white blindness that Saramago describes. In women, fear and hope are mixed, but also doubt and determination. She is strong and weak. We identify with it because it defines the human condition, between contradiction and paradox.
Despite being able to see, she decides to stay with the man she loves, suffering the consequences of confinement with him. The ending that Fuentes brings to the work is different from Saramago’s book and, like an omen announced from the beginning, the woman he sees becomes blind at the end of the work. With that tragic end, Fuentes launches a critique and reflection: we need to sharpen our vision, sharpen our sensitivity, and be able to «see» in the most mystical, philosophical, and human sense.
BLINDNESS — The Woman Who Can See is a somber work that sheds light on certain issues. «We are blind who, seeing, do not see», says Saramago. Do we pretend not to see our reality to make our existence lighter? Fuentes raises the issue on stage.
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