One of the shorts to be shown, at 9:30 pm on Thursday, the film “A menor resistência“, was included in the list of films selected for the International Film Festival AVANCA 2019 and was distinguished with an Honorable Mention for Short Film in the Competition Advance.
Directed by Rafael Marques and Francisco Moreira, “A Menor Resistência” is a ‘road movie’ that takes advantage of the new possibilities of aerial images that drones have come to facilitate, on a journey from Chaves to Faro, accompanied by idle conversations about directions, about life, about the universe.
As in the first confinement, the “Quintas de Cinema” will not be shown in person, being the exclusive projection on social networks.
“Quintas de Cinema” is a program by the Cine-Clube de Avanca, in collaboration with the Cine-Teatro de Estarreja and the Municipality of Estarreja, supported by the Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual, of the Ministry of Culture.