
Coimbra em Blues

3rd and 4th at TAGV

After an absence of almost two years, due to the impossibility of holding concerts due to the (still) current pandemic, the blues returns to Coimbra!

And, I couldn’t come back in better shape, in the double dose of concerts that the promoters Trovas Soltas and In Rock We Trust will offer us with the presence of national and international artists on the poster of this year’s edition of Coimbra em Blues.

We reveal for now, the complete poster that has names like Gisele Jackson (USA) and Veronica Sbergia Quartet (ES/IT) (on December 3rd) and Vítor Bacalhau (PT) and Budda Power Blues & Maria João (PT) ( on December 4th).

There could not be a better way to celebrate 60 years of a Cultural Center of excellence: the Academic Theater Gil Vicente (TAGV).

Tickets for the sessions can be purchased from the links below

PROGRAMMING | Coimbra in Blues

December 3, 2021

Gisele Jackson and the Shu Shu’s (USA)
Veronica Sbergia Quartet (ES/IT)

December 4th 2021

Vítor Cod (PT)
Budda Power Blues & Maria João (PT)

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