Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Contemporâneo returns to the municipality of Seixal, namely to the Municipal Auditorium of the Cultural Forum, for a performance on September 23rd (Saturday), at 9:30 pm.
In this return, three choreographies will be presented: «Apperception Plotline», by Margarida Belo Costa, which proposes a basic encounter between looking and seeing and which triggers a process of visual questioning; «Corrente», by Beatriz Mira and Tiago Barreiros, which follows the formation of a single being, thinking about the role of choice in a society in which living implies the body-consciousness duality; and also «Public Domain», by Ricardo Campos Freire, which questions the relationships between the individual and society.
Paulo Silva, president of Seixal City Council, says «it is always a source of great satisfaction to welcome this company to our municipality, whose artistic work is recognized and praised nationally and internationally. For those who have never seen a performance by this company, I suggest you do so as it is a vibrant and captivating show in artistic terms».
Founded in 1998, by Vasco Wellenkamp and Graça Barroso, Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Contemporâneo was designed as an original repertoire company and became a place where different artists can research and develop their languages, building a common artistic experience. Over these 25 years, this company has promoted dance as an art form at the service of developing citizens’ sensitivity, education and aesthetic training and created a lively choreographic repertoire, with its own identity, being recognized in Portugal and beyond. -borders.
Fundada em 1998, por Vasco Wellenkamp e Graça Barroso, a Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Contemporâneo foi pensada como uma companhia de repertório original e tornou-se num lugar onde diferentes artistas podem pesquisar e desenvolver as suas linguagens, construindo uma experiência artística comum. Ao longo destes 25 anos, esta companhia tem promovido a dança como uma forma de arte ao serviço do desenvolvimento da sensibilidade, da educação e da formação estética dos cidadãos e criado um repertório coreográfico vivo, com uma identidade própria, sendo reconhecida em Portugal e além-fronteiras.
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