
Concerto da Banda da Armada integra Comemorações do Centenário da Primeira Travessia Aérea do Atlântico Sul

Este sábado, ‘tá a Banda Armada em São Brás de Alportel!

Banda da Armada performs this Saturday, the 28th, at 9:30 pm, in São Brás de Alportel for a memorable moment as part of the Centenary Celebrations of the First Air Crossing of the South Atlantic!

An open-air show with free admission was presented next to the replica of the Santa Cruz Hydroplane, outside the Covered Municipal Swimming Pools.

The Banda da Armada Portuguesa acts under the guidance of Maestro José Veloso, Captain-Lieutenant Music – Deputy Chief of Banda da Armada.

Over the more than five hundred years of musical formations at Armada, Banda da Armada Portuguesa is the result of the effort and renewal that has gained national and international visibility over time. The recording and editing of CDs, and the participation of several composers and instrumentalists of merit have contributed in a decisive way to tread this path of merit.

The long history of the group includes numerous performances and distinctions at a national and international level, of which the following stand out: the attribution of the Gold Medal for Distinguished Services by His Excellency Admiral CEMA or the conquest of the Identitas Mare Award, an award from PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) Portugal, which aims to recognize the excellence and merit of people or entities that use the aquatic environment as a resource and inspiration for their art and culture productions.

Over time, Banda da Armada has developed work of great public interest, both in terms of military ceremonial and State protocol, as well as in the cultural sphere, through concerts throughout Portugal and abroad.

Celebrations of the Centenary of the First Air Crossing of the South Atlantic
The São-Brasense program that marks the 100th anniversary of the First Air Crossing of the South Atlantic has been running since February 17 and is composed of musical, artistic, literary, children’s, and youth moments, among others.

Tertúlia cycles, conferences, publications, and content in digital format are also part of this program designed to dignify the memory of these men of great dimension and genius, which is intended to inspire new generations and promote an insightful look to the future.

The seaplane is the biggest symbol of this crossing and, therefore, the municipality launched an artistic challenge to the entire community to get to work, in the discovery of art and science!

The result of this artistic challenge will be known from the 1st of June, with the opening of an exhibition where the works resulting from this commemorative challenge and tribute to Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral, authors of the epic aerial crossing will be presented.

More information about the national program to commemorate the Centenary of the First Air Crossing of the South Atlantic.

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