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Solidarity Concert in favor of the ‘Novo Futuro’ Association

Altice Arena

Last Thursday, October 13th, another concert was held in favour of the Novo Futuro Association. This concert had, once again, the High Sponsorship of His Excellency the President of the Republic, who also attended the show.

This year, to brighten up the party, he was invited and we can say, honoured, Tozé Brito, composer, lyricist, and singer.

Toze Brito (de) Novo > Altice Arena ©Luís M. Serrão – ineews < 2022.10.13

Benjamim, the presenter on duty, said that in 2020, at the invitation of Inês Meneses, João Gouveia, João Gil and himself had been invited to honour Tozé Brito on his seventieth birthday, and thus, together, they produced the album ‘Tozé Brito (of) Novo’.

The album that gave rise to this concert includes a very small selection of classic songs from the vast work of Tozé Brito, having invited several singers from the national scene, very talented friends, to sing with them some of the most famous hits.

Toze Brito (de) Novo > Altice Arena ©Luís M. Serrão – ineews < 2022.10.13

Benjamim thanked the Associação ‘Novo Futuro’ for the possibility of, for the first and only time, presenting this album live. And so throughout the night, themes were heard, all of them with new musical arrangements, such as ‘Sábado à Tarde’ sung by Tiago Bettencourt, ‘A Cor do Teu Batom’ by Samuel Úria.

Ana Bacalhau and Mitó made the first duo of the night singing ‘Canção da Alegria’, The second duo of the night composed by Rita Redshoes & Miguel Guedes interpreted ‘Uma Nova Maneira’.

Toze Brito (de) Novo > Altice Arena ©Luís M. Serrão – ineews < 2022.10.13

This was followed by the voices of Selma Uamusse in ‘Papel Principal’, which deserved an extraordinary ovation from the audience and Tomás Wallenstein (vocalist of Capitão Fausto) who, in his own way, interpreted ‘Depois de Ti’, having also deserved very special applause.

The friendly Helena Coelho, an original member of the Portuguese group ‘Doce, for whom Tozé wrote several songs, performed ‘É Demais’, which had as a chorus the entire audience that acceded to the concert, many of them got up to sing with her.

‘Eva’, ‘Em Segredo’ and ‘Não Hesitava’ were performed by Catarina Salinas, Joana Espadinha and António Zambujo.

Toze Brito (de) Novo > Altice Arena ©Luís M. Serrão – ineews < 2022.10.13

Perhaps one of the most iconic songs ever written by Tozé Brito was ‘Olá, So Como Vais?’, sung by B Fachada & Benjamin, but with the very special participation of Tozé Brito, who received a standing ovation from the audience.

This was followed by the themes ‘Zé Gato’ written for a television series with lyrics by Jorge Palma and music by Tozé Brito in the series ‘Zé Gato’.

At the end of the concert, all the artists were called to the stage to, with the honoured artist, perform a timeless song ’20 Anos’.

Toze Brito (de) Novo > Altice Arena ©Luís M. Serrão – ineews < 2022.10.13

And because the public asked for it and the honoree deserved it, Tozé Brito returns to the stage because, according to him, it’s time for thanks,I feel the need to thank you‘ starting with all the musicians who accompanied him over decades, going through all the composers and performers who sang and continue to sing their songs. Tozé claims to feel more like a songwriter than a singer, and he is immensely grateful to the set of voices that gave rise to the concert. He thanked the public, and the friends who came to watch thanked the President of the Novo Futuro Association and finally thanked the President of the Republic for his presence.

The concert proceeds as the singer-songwriter said in a ‘soft’ way with Tozé Brito interpretingContigo‘, a very old song. The honoured artist considers that ‘all songs are love songs‘, whether addressed to anyone or for any reason and that’s why he offered us a lot of love that night.

Toze Brito (de) Novo > Altice Arena ©Luís M. Serrão – ineews < 2022.10.13

In the lineup of the show, the next song to be played won the Song Festival withBem Bom’, followed by ‘Amanhã de Manhã’ and ‘Pensando em Ti’.

The excellent musicians who accompanied all the artists were, on drums João Correia, on bass Nuno Lucas, on keys, guitar and voice António Vasconcelos Dias, João Firmino on guitar and voice, José Guilherme Vasconcelos Dias on keys and voice we cannot forget the one who it was the narrator, presenter, the one who with all his dynamism made this concert a Great Show, Benjamim, because the children of ‘Novo Futuro’ deserve a new future.

The Novo Futura Association is a Private Social Solidarity Institution that welcomes children and young people.

Novo Futuro houses are for vulnerable children and young people, they are just another house in the neighbourhood, without any distinction or difference from any other house.

Each House has personalized spaces for the tastes of each child and young person, taking into account their age, as this is the only way to create a feeling of respect and individuality for each one, as well as a sense of belonging, essential for healthy emotional development.

Toze Brito (de) Novo > Altice Arena ©Luís M. Serrão – ineews < 2022.10.13

In Casas Novo Futuro, routines and rules are essential and each child is invited to participate in the routine of the same, in the houses, you can play, and express feelings can grow.

One of the main goals of Casas ‘Novo Futuro’ is the school development of each child and young person, so they do everything to ensure that their different school stages are successful, from basic education to higher education, to achieving autonomy for individual life. successful.

‘New Future’ houses because tomorrow a New Future arises.

We will not turn our faces to this project that has helped so many children and young people.

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