The Barcelos Florido 2021 contest, which had 35 participants, proved to be one of the most competitive editions of this animation event that has decorated and colored the city of Barcelos between the months of April and July.
This year, the contest awarded prizes to the balcony of the Cooperativa Agrícola de Barcelos building, located on Rua Fernando Magalhães, made up of flower boxes marked by intense polychrome and balanced composition. Alzira Alves Costa won second place, with his composition located at Rua Miguel Bombarda and, in third place, was the floral composition by António Manuel Faria Ribeiro Novo, located at Largo da Igreja, in Barcelinhos.
In addition to the beautification of streets and squares, the Contest contributes to the involvement of people with the place where they live and allows a greater appreciation of the architectural and natural heritage. These compositions are, in fact, highlighted elements in the photographic records of those who visit the city and parish of Barcelinhos.
Therefore, the flowered balconies are already a mark of Barcelos’ identity, together with the gardens, factors that increase the attractiveness of the city.
This competition seeks not only to implement the attractiveness of these urban areas as spaces of choice for tourist enjoyment, but also the aesthetic and environmental enhancement of the city and “the beautification and decoration of windows and balconies with natural flowers and plants”.
During the last three months, these places have become places of great beauty and enormous color, a fact that aroused the interest of those who visit us and those who reside in the county, making these places more welcoming and pleasant.
In addition to individual participation, some of these competitors also took part in the collective competition, in which the “Best Street” and the “Best Largo/Campo” were defined. As for the “Best Street” award, the winner was Rua Miguel Bombarda. Regarding the “Best Largo/Campo”, the winner is Largo da Igreja de Barcelinhos.
The Barcelos Florido contest has contributed to building Barcelos as a garden city, celebrating the pleasure of welcoming, making the experience of visiting the city and its surroundings meaningful, where its gardens reinforce the beauty of the streets, roundabouts, squares and avenues in actions that enhance space. It has been a way of disclosing, throughout the year, the streets, squares and squares in a relevant way, contributing to the quality of spaces for those who visit Barcelos. The best photos generated by locals, tourists and pilgrims have taken Barcelos with flowery colors to the four corners of the world.