The application deadline for the International Artistic Creation Laboratory is extended until July 7th!
Regarding this Open Call, we remind you that the Laboratory is aimed at arts professionals with a minimum path of creation of two works and no age limit. We seek participants who want to start, develop and expose their processes and interact with criticism of their work, both by their peers and the public. It is also important to mention that there are available scholarships that will be distributed among those selected who so request.
There are also one to two places for documenters/ archivists whose role will be to monitor the entire Laboratory and its practices from a subjective and critical perspective, to return to society its vision about documenting the ephemeral practices of knowledge transmission developed within this project.
The 4th edition of the International Laboratory Escape Line will take place between 1 and 24 November 2024, in Coimbra/ Portugal with the theme «Face fears».
Catarina Saraiva, curator of the initiative and member of the selection jury, reveals that “(the Line of Escape) promotes the meeting between creators, artists and thinkers from different countries, in a field of experimentation, learning and sharing collective knowledge. It takes place in Coimbra, between 1 and 24 November, through workshops of exchange of artistic practices guided by invited artists, with access to workspaces and the monitoring of processes by the artist Gustavo Ciríaco.”
In parallel, the International Festival takes place with a program of shows, exhibitions, meetings and conversations that the participating artists can watch for free and where they can propose presentations of their work processes.
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