
From China to Japan: Languages ​​and Culture of Asia

New courses and workshops at the Museu do Oriente

This is a journey through the cultures of China and Japan and an opportunity to learn both languages. In February, the Museu do Oriente invites children to study Mandarin and adults to learn useful Japanese expressions for professional or tourist situations.

Learn Mandarin from a young age

Dedicated to children aged 6 to 10, a new course on Saturdays challenges them to learn the Mandarin language and Chinese culture, its expressions and differences. Divided into four modules, and starting on February 1st, this course integrates, playfully, visits to the Museu do Oriente, games, videos, Chinese music, books and learning applications, to develop vocabulary linked to everyday life, such as numbers. , colours and family members; and practice dialogue through dramatizations and creative writing.

japao viagem oficina
Museu do Oriente

Japanese for Travelers

For those curious about the language or interested in travelling to Japan, in the February workshop, you will learn basic and practical Japanese, useful for those travelling for leisure or work. In addition to greetings, this section covers numbers, useful phrases and different types of writing. For those who intend to travel to the Land of the Rising Sun, this workshop also provides an opportunity to learn about etiquette rules in business or professional situations, as well as how to hold conversations in restaurants or commercial spaces.

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