On a day-to-day basis, the most popular offer by consumers is the dishes of the day, usually in a menu format that allows people to consume a complete meal with fresh products of the day, at a good price.
Diárias® is an application for iOS and Android devices that consolidates the dishes of the day in restaurants and makes them available to consumers, with one click. At Websummit 2020, Bitrine presents for the first time a new application Diárias® for the restaurants and its customers.
The application will be officially launched and made available in January 2021. Its first presentation on Websummit is essential to obtain feedback from people, to understand the real receptivity from restaurants and create partnerships.
The application will be free for consumers. The participating restaurants may opt for a monthly, half-yearly or annual subscription model. 5% of the revenues of the Diárias® platform will be converted into meals or food products that will be donated to institutions.