
UN Director visits CEiiA to discuss innovations to combat climate change

The Director of the United Nations Global Innovation Hub on Climate Change, Massamba Thioye, visits CEiiA to discuss transformational climate innovation solutions, with a highlight on the AYR platform.

Following its participation in COP28, CEiiA is the stage for a debate on transformational climate innovation solutions, which will take place on February 22nd, with the presence of Massamba Thioye, Director of the Nations Global Innovation Hub on Climate Change United.

Cities, academia, public organizations, companies, schools and young people are challenged to participate in this innovation platform, which asserts itself as a community of practice, with a physical and virtual space, for sharing ideas, solutions, products and innovation services for combating climate change.

The President of CCDR-N, António Cunha, highlights “the importance of this debate, which is aligned with the North’s strategy to assert itself as the first carbon neutral region in Europe, positioning the territory internationally in decision-making regarding climate policy global”.

The United Nations organization argues that climate innovation solutions must be based on a transformational approach, including technological innovation and political and social innovation. In this context, it highlights that the impact of citizens’ climate actions in terms of avoided carbon emissions is not included in traditional emissions accounting systems, meaning they cannot benefit from climate incentive mechanisms.

The AYR platform, which will be presented as a case study, allows the quantification and valuation of emissions avoided through the use of low-carbon mobility modes, derived from individuals’ positive climate actions, benefiting them through adopting sustainable behaviours. Testing in Portuguese and Brazilian cities, the solution has contributed to valuing the positive climate impact of citizens, having been successfully applied in school communities among young people.

Let’s consider the new sustainable mobility services to be introduced in cities, such as those associated with vehicles being developed by CEiiA (such as BEN). The platform counts the emissions avoided in their use by citizens in a sharing logic, which makes it possible to “compensate” the carbon footprint of the product in its life cycle.

At the end of the meeting, where other cases of innovative climate solutions with the potential to integrate the ‘offer‘ of the Global Innovation Hub on Climate Change will be shared by participants, the contributions will be translated into a document that will feed the participation of CEiiA and its partners in COP29, taking place at the end of the year, in Azerbaijan.

About the United Nations Global Climate Change Innovation Hub

The United Nations Global Innovation Hub on Climate Change, anchored in the UNFCC – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, was created at COP26, as a community of practice, with a physical and virtual space, for sharing ideas, solutions, climate innovation products and services in a collaborative approach between international organizations, national, regional and local governments, companies in the digital sector, investors, incubators, accelerators, scientists and researchers.

The physical space is centred on a Pavilion at the Climate Summits (COP), with the virtual space being a meeting platform between supply, demand and financing of innovative climate solutions.

About Massamba Thioye

Massamba Thioye is the Executive Director of the United Nations Global Innovation Hub on Climate Change, where he has led initiatives associated with the application of disruptive technologies in the service of climate action.

He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the “Climate Chain Coalition” and the Advisory Board of the “European Green Digital Coalition” and INATBA – “International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications”. He is a professor at IE University – School of Politics, Economics and Social Affairs and has a PhD in Energy Systems Management.

About CEiiA – Engineering and Development Center

CEiiA is an engineering and development centre that designs, develops and produces new technologies, products and services in the areas of automotive and mobility, aeronautics, space and sea, intending to achieve a more sustainable society.

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