Disposable plastic prohibited from tomorrow in the Public Administration
The disposable plastic is prohibited from Saturday in the public administration, after having been published today in Diário da República the resolution that determines it.
The resolution, which promotes a more sustainable use of resources in the Public Administration, by reducing the consumption of paper and plastic products, determines that the entry into force takes place “on the day after its publication”.
“It is imperative to rethink and innovate the way we produce, use and regenerate plastic, in order to increase the sustainability of this whole process, thus promoting the reduction of waste production, as well as its reuse and recycling, with a view to the success of the transition to a circular economy, “says the resolution, which highlights disposable, single-use plastic products.
The measure binds the public administration and the state’s business sector to adopt measures to reduce the consumption of plastic, but also paper and printing products.
The purchase or use of, for example, cups for coffee, water or other beverages, plates and bowls, cutlery, plastic straws and straws, bottles (except automatic machines) and reusable bottles and filling points of tap water.
Plastic bags will also have to be replaced with paper packaging, with the exception of undifferentiated waste bags.
Also today the Assembly of the Republic has approved a bill of the People-Animal-Nature (PAN) party to implement a system of incentive and deposit of plastic, glass and aluminium beverage packaging, ie a recoverable tare.
According to the NAP, the recovery rate of packaging placed on the market will reach between 95% and 100%, underlining that the first phase of the pilot project for the return of plastic bottles in order to ensure that they are sent to recycling, will be implemented until December 31, 2019.
The Environment Minister, João Pedro Matos Fernandes, told that the law is “convergent” with the Government’s intentions, of having a specific channel for collection of packaging.
There will be, said the minister, a sum to co-finance the installation of these machines in supermarkets and service stations.