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ESHTE professors represent Portugal at the most prestigious world forum on scientific gastronomy

Estoril Higher School of Hotel and Tourism is part of the Science and Cooking World Congress, which has 27 branches around the world.

Three professors from the Estoril School of Hotel Management and Tourism (ESHTE) take on the leadership of the newly created Portuguese delegation of the Science and Cooking World Congress (SCWC), the most prestigious international forum for scientific gastronomy. Portugal will thus have, for the first time, official representatives in the space for sharing practices and knowledge that was born in Barcelona and which already has 27 centres around the world.

ESHTE, represented by professors José Pestana, Nelson Félix and Carlos Brandão, is thus joining a collective movement that explores the vast potential of scientific gastronomy as a tool to face major social challenges, including those of sustainability, food security and innovation.

The SCWC emerged in 2019 and has progressively become a project with a global dimension, going beyond the limits of the congress that was its origin and which takes place annually in Catalonia. Throughout five editions, the Science and Cooking World Congress welcomed 210 experts of 32 nationalities, delivering 196 presentations, 16 round tables, 28 working sessions and 36 workshops on the topic.

The SCWC organization includes important names such as Harold McGee (Honorary President), a pioneer in the field, Pere Castell (Executive President), one of the greatest international experts in science at the service of gastronomy, and Ferran Adrià (President of the Scientific Committee), chef and owner of the former El Bulli restaurant, a bastion of gastronomic innovation.

docentes eshte
Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril

“Professor and chef Nelson Félix and I were in Barcelona attending the congress held in November 2024, with delegations from more than two dozen countries, and in the meantime, an official invitation from the organization came for us to form the Portuguese delegation of the SCWC, filling an obvious gap. Thus, from now on, ESHTE, recognized for the quality of the work developed in the area, represents Portugal in this truly exceptional movement”, explains José Pestana, professor and coordinator of the Scientific Area of ​​Health, Science and Food Technology at the Escola Superior da Hotelaria. and Estoril Tourism.

The national representation also includes Nelson Félix – chef, professor and Co-coordinator of the Scientific Area of ​​Hotel and Catering at ESHTE – and Carlos Brandão, professor of Food Safety in gastronomy and President of the institution.

The Estoril School of Hospitality and Tourism offers training that promotes the adoption of culinary practices based on scientific evidence, now providing its students with access to unique international information and experiences, within the scope of the Science and Cooking World Congress.

“Our students were already studying books by Harold McGee, a great reference in the area of ​​gastronomic sciences, and in this way, they will have, for example, the opportunity to participate in the SCWC Summer School, which usually takes place in Italy, and in research projects that we will develop and which will be presented in future editions of the congress. ESHTE thus reinforces its position at the forefront of culinary innovation”, concludes José Pestana.

About the Estoril School of Hotel Management and Tourism:
Created in 1991, ESHTE is a Public Polytechnic Higher Education Institution, linked to the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation. The Statutes reaffirm its nature as a non-integrated polytechnic school and grant it powers to create, transmit and disseminate knowledge related to the exercise of highly qualified professional activities in the areas of Tourism, Hotel Management and Catering.

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