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“Dos Rosa Em: Multiverso dos Elementos” with extra session at Coliseu dos Recreios

With the 3 pm session sold out, the popular quintet on platforms such as YouTube and TikTok, announces a new session in Lisbon, on September 21st, at 7 pm, at Coliseu dos Recreios. The artists will also perform at Coliseu Porto AGEAS on the 22nd, at 3 pm.

A success among children, the group Dos Rosa comes to Portugal for the first time next September and the turnout for the show that is now moving from the screen to the stage couldn’t be better! With the first session packed, Brazilian YouTubers and TikTokers premiere the children’s play “Dos Rosa Em: Multiverso dos Elementos”, on September 21st, at Coliseu dos Recreios, at 3 pm, with another performance now at 7 pm and a single session in Porto Alegre, 22nd, at 3 pm.

“Dos Rosa Em: Multiverso dos Elementos” is a show full of adventure, comedy and a touch of suspense, where five friends face a threat to the perfect universe they know. Emilly Vick, Leozinho, Katlen, Void and Robson see their lives shaken when the five elements that define them – star, lamp, rocket, lightning and mouse – are misaligned. As a result, Emilly Vick is transported to an alternative universe, where she faces another version of herself: an activist against YouTube channels, while her friends act in strange and unexpected ways, with personalities different from who they are.

Furthermore, in this new universe, Void, one of the elements, exterminated “the Pinks” and leads a “Green” group, bringing even more challenges to Emilly who needs to act quickly to escape this parallel universe and return to her world. perfect and rediscover “the Rosas” as everyone knows and admires.

Music, adventure and motivational messages will undoubtedly serve as the theme for the three shows by the most successful young Brazilian influencers worldwide, which will delight the youngest and the whole family, on September 21st, at the Coliseu dos Recreios, in Lisbon, and on the 22nd, at Coliseu Porto AGEAS.

Tickets for Lisbon and Porto are on sale at

Always confirm with the concert hall or promoter the conditions of access, confirmation of the date or time, ticket place of sale, price, and availability.

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