Dullmea returns to Lisbon in January
Space ZABRA, January 10, 19h
- In February he performs in Malta at the Society of Arts, in Valletta
- Concert inserted in the music cycle “Sustain Delay”
Dullmea performs on January 10th at ZABRA, in Lisbon. The artist will present a selection of repertoire between the albums Hemisphaeria and Ephemeroptera.
The artist invites the public to immerse themselves in her unique universe where voice and electronics merge into one instrument to make us discover new and challenging soundscapes. Excluding completely the use of pre-recorded music, the artist interprets a selection of pieces from her repertoire with moments that sometimes bring light to the singularity of the solo voice, sometimes transformed by magical arts into colossal sonic cathedrals.
In February he performs in Malta at the Society of Arts, in Valletta. A concert inserted into the music cycle “Sustain Delay”.
Dullmea (Sofia Fernandes) graduated in music at the School of Music and Performing Arts. In 2016, released the debut album Keter, warmly received by critics. Since then, he has developed his universe through a customized electronic device that is used as an extension of the voice, incorporating all these elements as a single instrument, improvising without resorting to pre-recorded music.
Launched Hemisphaeria, [dʊ l’mjə], Orduak, Lloc Comú and Ñe’apfte works edited, presented and promoted with the support of GDA Foundation, DGArtes – Directorate-General for the Arts, Art Institute, Antena2, Portuguese Republic – Ministry of Culture. Among others, Dullmea performed live in Nijmegen, Eindhoven (NL); Vienna (AT), Turin (IT), Lisbon, Porto (PT), Vigo, Barcelona – LEM Festival (ES); São Paulo – MAC (BR); Berlin (DE); Copenhagen (DK); Milton Keynes – exhibition “Obedience and Defiance” by Paula Rego (UK).
We do not say: water and stones. We say: river. We know that it is an interdependent and symbiotic ecosystem, whose elements are continuously learned and adapted from each other, since always. We touch the smoothness of a pebble and know that this smoothing took time. Similarly, we do not say: voice and electronics. We say: Dullmea. Not only the voice, but everything that inhabits the breath, floods the electronic labyrinth and generates a one, indivisible organism – it is the river. Then arrive the shoals of unpredictable directions, silver melodies that wind mesmerizing; on the banks, slow and dense spread the minimalist textures; suddenly, a blow in the amphibia membrane of the microphone, breaking the sonic horizontality; further ahead, an assertive pulse of spring. Dullmea took the time to generate an ecosystem where the elements interact and the boundaries between voice and electronics are blurred as if soaked in an illusionist nature.
Address: Rua Alexandre Braga 15B, 1150-002 Lisboa
Portuguese Republic – Culture I DGARTES – Directorate-General for the Arts
Art Institute – Portuguese Contemporary
Always confirm with the concert hall or promoter the conditions of access, confirmation of the date or time, ticket place of sale, price, and availability.
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