
Eduardo Guerrero at Flamenco Night

Casino Estoril

With credits signed worldwide, Eduardo Guerrero returns, on the 17th of February, at 10 pm, to the Salão Preto e Prata at Casino Estoril. The Spanish dancer, born in Cádiz, stars in a new and genuine flamenco show: “The Return of the Warrior”.

In the 4th century BC, General Sun Tzu wrote a book on strategy entitled “The Art of War” and some of his teachings can be applied to the mother of all battles, which is life itself. “The best victory is to win without fighting”, says the old Chinese general and this is what usually happens in the theater of love operations. This is the scenario chosen by the dancer to mount his new show.

On this occasion, the dancer focuses on his relationship with women, on that extreme territory where sentimentality coexists with sensuality, but overcomes both vital temperatures until he finds a bridge between genders and sexes that we usually call a person.

It is tension without trauma, an internal struggle without excessive collateral damage, in addition to passion and commitment to male desire itself. This is, broadly speaking, his pretext for making an art of war. However, his best army is himself, escorted by the cante of Anabel Rivera, Samara Montañez, or May Fernández, but with first-class musical ammunition, provided by the Guitars of Javier Ibañez and Juan José Alba.

A set of popular harmonies that feature a very wide range of styles. An entire anthology interpreted with his own accent by a Guerrero dressed by Tere Torres. This new proposal is an allegory of his own conception of the world and of the show, with a clear winner in this epic: flamenco dancing.

This is, in general terms, Eduardo Guerrero’s pretext for making an art of war.Battles are won by dancing”.

Eduardo Guerrero is the new flamenco prodigy. Specialized critics say that he is brutal and radical and that he dances with strength and soul. Of particular note are his prodigious technique and powerful footwork, his perfect turns, and, above all, that he never loses his trademark elegance and style.

Technique Sheet: Dance: Eduardo Guerrero | Sing: Anabel Rivera, Pilar Sierra and Samara Montañez | Guitar: Javier Ibanez

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