This Thursday, June 29, Coliseu Porto Ageas organizes the debate “What fear is this? Where does it come from and where does it go”. Starting from different fears – from mild anxiety to phobia -, the ways in which fear operates and of how we can use it, in this conversation an x-ray will be made of this primary emotion that plays a crucial role in the survival of all animals.
And that, in human beings, it has the power to influence decisions, beliefs and even to define the present and future of society.
The debate is part of the new project “Mantras Coliseu”, which each month addresses a different theme. The theme of June is the binomial Fear>Floor.
The dictionary defines fear as “an emotional state resulting from the awareness of danger or threat, real, hypothetical or imaginary”. If the evolutionary origins of fear have implications for society in each era, the way in which each culture deals with fear is very particular. At a time when there is more openness to discussing mental health, we invite everyone to come to the Coliseum and think about how fear is processed, how we rationally use it, and where we can find our ground, be it closer relationships, therapies, or even the arts.
The panel will consist of Floorrecognized clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst, Rui Zink, writer and university professor, and Sónia Tavares, co-author and vocalist of the band The Gift and one of the voices of the musical project Amália Hoje. Moderation by Inês Cardoso, director of Jornal de Notícias.
In the conversation, which will have an open moment for questions from the public, the three guests delve into the complex nature of fear, exploring its multiple dimensions, its impact, and some strategies to overcome its effects.
“I intend to imagine that they composed the song ‘Medo’, by Amália Rodrigues, for me”, explains Sónia Tavares. “I asked my bandmate Nuno Gonçalves to make an arrangement with only strings so I could sing, I just didn’t know that this song would be ‘Medo’ and that Dona Amália would kindly lend it to me” in Amália Hoje, he says. The musical project pays tribute to Amália Rodrigues, who, interestingly, admitted that she was always afraid to step on stage.
With his vast scientific experience in the areas of Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and Psychosomatics, Eduardo Sá usually addresses the theme of fear applied to parental education. Some of his programs in the press are entitled “What to do when children are afraid?” or “We are making young people afraid of the future”.
Rui Zink, on the other hand, imagined, in 2012, a world where an installer enters your home to install fear, like installing a TV box, but without having subscribed to the service. “By infantilizing us, madam, fear does not diminish us, it elevates us. Fear gives us back the childhood of the world”, wrote the writer and university professor.
“What fear is this? Where do you come from and where are you going” takes place on Thursday, June 29, at 6:30 pm, in the Salão Jardim do Coliseu. Admission is free, subject to prior ticket collection (maximum two per person). Tickets can be picked up from June 28th, at 1 pm, at the Coliseum ticket office, until the time of the debate. Capacity is subject to space limitations.
Eduardo Sá
Eduardo Sá was born in Leiria in 1962. Clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst, professor at the University of Coimbra and ISPA. He is the author of articles and scientific books in the area of psychoanalysis and psychosomatics, and popular books in the field of family health and parental education.
In 2022, the book My Father is Mine! marks his first foray into children’s literature, and has been successively republished. After years of collaborating with Antena 1, and having co-produced the Amor em Tempo de Crise program with Fátima Lopes, on TVI24, he began to collaborate regularly with the newspaper Observador, and with Rádio Observador, where he has the program Porque Sim Não é Answer, which includes episodes like “What to do when children are afraid?” or “We are making young people afraid of the future”.
Rui Zink
Rui Zink was born in Lisbon in 1961. In addition to being a writer and professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, he is a founding member of Felizes da Fé and ACA-M. Author of a wide range of work, from novels to comics, including essays or children’s literature, he has published titles such as Hotel Lusitano (1986), Apocalypse Nau (1996), O Alternate (2000), O Anibaleitor (2011), A Instalacao do Medo (2012), Manual do Bom Fascista (2019) and The grandfather has rubber on his head (2020), among many others.
His work has been translated into several languages, such as English, German, Romanian, Hebrew, or Bengali, and has already been distinguished in Portugal and abroad, including the P.E.N. Clube Português de Novelística, for the novel Dádiva Divina, in 2004, or the Utopiales Prize for best foreign novel, with the French edition of A Instalacao do Medo, in 2017.
Sónia Tavares
Sónia Tavares was born in 1977, in Nazaré, and grew up in Alcobaça.
In 1994, he was part of the founding of the Indie/Pop band The Gift, which celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2024. In these three decades, the band has been awarded numerous awards (Golden Globe, ILGA, MTV), with their albums achieving the status of platinum and gold.
With concerts all over the world, in 2017 they collaborate with producer Brian Eno (Coldplay, U2, David Bowie), on the albums Altar and Verão.
She integrates the Amália Hoje project (Pop tribute to Amália) in 2008 and embraces a career in Television as a judge on the programs Fator X and A Máscara on SIC. She is currently touring to promote her new album, Coral. She lives in Alcobaça with her husband and son.
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