In the midst of celebration, the magazine “Egoísta” has just launched a new thematic edition, inspired precisely by the “Christmas”. Owned by Estoril Sol, the most awarded magazine in Europe, it is once again in this special court with its readers, once again distinguished by the excellence of its portfolios.
Publisher Patrícia Reis reveals: Party, during holidays, the “Egoísta” celebrates the sharing with amazement and glamor, but also with memory and short fictions ”. And he adds, “On the cover,“ Egoist ”shows once again that design can be combined with tradition and we regain a childhood memory of cut-out roles and three-dimensional play. Good readings, by 2020.
With portfolios of Gonçalo F. Santos, Ivana Besevic, Tim Engle, Elliott Erwitt, Rui Pedro Ribeiro and Ana Aragão, the magazine also pays tribute to António Variações.
In fiction José Luís Peixoto, Luísa Costa Gomes, Hugo Gonçalves, Joana Bértholo, Maria Teresa Horta, André e. Theodosius, Xavier Pereira, Patrícia Müller, David Machado, Gonçalo M. Tavares, Valerio Romão, Patrícia Portela, Alexandre Honrado, Vera de Vilhena, Helena Vasconcelos reflect on the idea of celebration, lies, sharing, selfishness and altruism.
Mário Assis Ferreira, Director of “Egoísta”, writes in the editorial: The Festival is a state of mind that deludes itself in the euphoria of the senses. For the Feast, even Christmas, always brings with it the experience of the Family, the joy of reunion, the grace of laughter; but often something is diluted in the reverse of a void, a false dissonance in the contradiction with hidden misery, which contrast stands out in truth. And the truth, as Nelson Rodrigues said, is that “Christmas was once a party, it was a profound gesture of love. Today, Christmas is a budget. ”
And he goes on: “If the holiday season can be a“ budget ”, at least always rekindle affection to those who are dearest to us! And though our times tend to paganize Christmas, it will always sublimate itself in the hearts of believers, what a mystical veneration for the birth of Jesus! Also because it matters little what such a “budget” allows, in gauging how much was bought, offered or received this or future Christmas. It matters little, even, whether or not our faith is sheltered in our souls. What matters is not to skimp on the words of affection and the impulses of the heart; in daily efforts to build a new and different world, where justice, humanistic sensibility, the price of solidarity prevail in fact and in law ”.
“Then in this reborn world, the sun will shine more brightly! And in its glittering, the shadow that houses a leafy space in which Human Solidarity inhabits will be cast. As if it were the shadow of a regenerating hope of serene evening: ever-rising, until, far away, the sun fades in the dim vision of the human horizon! But this Sun, which longs for Solidarity, never fades: it shines steadily, as if today were yesterday’s tomorrow! Like Solidarity: it has no time, no place, it does not fit into the precariousness of this life we enjoy. It belongs to Eternity, which is the only time and place of all places and times that the Creator has bequeathed us! Happy Holiday of a Solidarity Christmas !, concludes ”.
Launched 19 years ago, the magazine “Egoísta” has been awarded 90 national and international awards in the area of journalism, design, editing, creativity and advertising, making it the most awarded publication at European level.
In another collector’s edition, “Egoísta – Festa”, like the others, is to be kept. Readers of the magazine “Egoísta” can be found on sale at the IN Club of Casino Estoril and Casino Lisboa. “Egoísta” also has a subscription campaign and is available at