At issue is circulation, interrupted since mid-March, on lines 1 (Infante-Passeio Alegre), 18 (Massarelos-Carmo) and 22 (Carmo-Batalha).
The Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos do Porto (STCP) says that the trams will circulate with capacity limited to two thirds of its capacity: 34 people in the “Belgian” car and 25 in the rest.
Traveling on trams, an option sought especially by tourists, will involve the use of a mask or visor and disinfect your hands in a gel dispenser to be made available in vehicles.
Andante subscriptions are valid (with the exception of municipal bonds “not Porto”) and payments on board will only be possible via ATM machine and, preferably, through the “contactless” mode.
Among other measures envisaged to ensure the safety of passengers and brakes, STCP will proceed with the general disinfection of trams, by fogging, in nightly operations.
Prevention measures also include the spraying, at the end of the circuits, of predictable surfaces with greater contact, such as bars, windowsills, benches and windows.