
This Christmas, Ajuda em Ação calls for an OPPORTUNITY to be offered to those who need it most

“In every opportunity, you are there” is the motto of the new Ajuda em Ação Christmas campaign which calls on all Portuguese people to offer the gift of an opportunity to those who, due to their context of social vulnerability, have never achieved it. All donations go towards supporting the Foundation’s Education, Youth Employability and Female Entrepreneurship programs.

Ajuda em Ação has just launched its new Christmas campaign “At every opportunity, you are there”, which results in a true mission for all Portuguese: by the end of the year, to give back the opportunity that was once given to them and offer it to those who need it most. “A donation can result in the purchase of more fabrics for our sewing program, which will give rise to unique pieces produced by the women who are part of the project, which will then be sold by them to bring them more income, or to continue implementing programs such as ‘Bora Jovens’, which has already integrated more than 150 young people into the job market, or ‘A Minha Escola é Cool’, which has improved the academic performance of many children since it began”, explains Linda Morango, Director of Marketing and Fundraising Help in Action Portugal.

The Foundation develops a Youth Employability program that extends throughout the national territory, and in the area of Loures, Camarate, it operates more at the level of Education – an area of intervention that also covers the Portalegre area – and Female Entrepreneurship. Ajuda em Ação currently supports more than 2,000 people but is now seeking support in terms of company financing and private donations to reach many more and ensure that such basic rights as the right to education and decent work are not compromised. in question, especially when next year is expected to be quite complex in economic terms. “The results that Ajuda em Ação has achieved with its programs encourage us to continue in the mission of fighting for a better and fairer world for all. We hope with this Christmas campaign to touch everyone and remind them that a small gesture can represent a great opportunity for people from more vulnerable backgrounds”, appeals Linda Morango.

They were associated with this campaign and involved faces that are well-known and loved by the Portuguese: the presenter Luísa Barbosa, the singer Matay, the fashion designer Roselyn Silva and the artist Sara Correia. Throughout November and December, these digital influencers will share, through social media, their stories of opportunity, without which they would not be where they are, and therefore the desire to reciprocate the gesture. Roselyn Silva says that “the first time someone recognizes the value of our work and invests in us, they never forget it. My opportunity started there and now I’m at a point where I want to be able to help as many women and people like me to achieve the same. I already knew about the sewing program and immediately wanted to join this unique Christmas campaign”.

This new Ajuda em Ação campaign will be multimedia. In addition to activation on social networks and influencers, the Foundation will have an advertising spot on several television channels and advertising on digital billboards and the press. “This year we are investing heavily in this campaign to reinforce our positioning in Portugal. We believe that the more people know about our work, the more they will want to support it, as happens with the partners, companies and influencers who have accompanied us over the years”, concludes the Director of Marketing and Fundraising at Ajuda em Ação Portugal Linda Strawberry.

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