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FC Porto wins the classic and joins the cup to the championship

FC Porto beat Benfica and won the Portuguese Cup by 31-27.

It was a dream season for the Porto handball team, after becoming national champion without defeats, joining the Cup of Portugal to the championship, in a game with several expulsions.

The Final held at the Pavilhão Multiusos de Pinhel, in Guarda, the Porto team dominated, led by Magnus Andersson, they reached the end of the first half winning by 16-14.

The second half was marked by three expulsions for Benfica, Kévynn Nyokas, Paulo Moreno and Benfica coach Chema Rodríguez and one for Porto, Djibril M’Bengue.

Porto never allowed the reaction of the red team and thus conquered the Portuguese handball championship and cup for the second time.

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