
Feira dos Santos de Cerdal is Intangible Cultural Heritage

The Feira dos Santos de Cerdal was registered in the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage (INPCI), as made public by the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage (DGPC).

According to the latest investigations, the DGPC states that “the Feira dos Santos de Cerdal, dates back to the 17th century, and takes place annually in Valença”.

“It presents itself as a festivity whose social practices, rituals and associated events reflect the historical Luso-Galician relations characteristic of the Alto Minho region, encompassing a wide set of customs and traditions with direct and indirect impact on the local community and the region in which it is located. , on both sides of the border”.

“With roots that are lost in time, it appears as a manifestation already duly consolidated in the middle of the 18th century, although it can be pointed to a more ancient genesis, related to a provision by King Philip IV of Spain in favour of the Ganfei Monastery, in the 18th century. previous”, highlights the DGPC.

The secular fair, ‘the mother of all fairs’, is a true ex-libris of the Northwest Peninsular, with more than 400 stalls where everything is sold.

This is the main autumn event in Galicia-North Portugal. It is a fair that reflects centuries of history and tradition, bringing together knowledge, traditions and rituals that are still very much alive.

For José Manuel Carpinteira, “due to its historical legacy and the social, cultural and economic value it has for Valença and the entire cross-border region, this fair deserves the recognition now given by the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, including it in the national inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The Feira dos Santos de Cerdal is a symbol of traditions, knowledge, and local identity, being a source of pride for Valença, for Cerdal, and for the Valencians and Cerdalenses, this recent news of its classification as Intangible Cultural Heritage”.

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