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Fernando Daniel – The wait was worth it

Coliseu dos Recreios

An unforgettable night for Fernando Daniel and for the public, during the concert there were many moments of joy, emotion, laughter and crying, in which the fans were showing posters with messages for the young singer and author, one of them was “The wait was worth it“, and it was really worth it.

The concert of the “Tour Presente“, which was postponed due to the pandemic finally took place, and Fernando had a full house to receive him, an audience that participated, singing, dancing and applauding from beginning to end with great enthusiasm.

Fernando Daniel > Coliseu dos Recreios ©Luís M. Serrão – iNeews < 20220227

Fernando Daniel um sucesso entre os fans mais novos, mas não só, tem dado passos enormes na sua carreira, ele lembrou no concerto que ainda á pouco estava a cantar numa estação e agora estou nesta sala fantástica, demonstrando enorme talento, sempre com muita humildade e simpatia, que deixa sempre os fans rendidos.

Fernando teve como convidados Jimmy P em “Até Voltares“, Carlão em “Nada a perder“, Carolina Deslandes em “Fim” e Agir em “Sem ti“, que tornaram este concerto ainda mais especial.

Fernando Daniel, a success among younger fans, but not only, has taken huge steps in his career, he remembered at the concert that he was singing in a station a little while ago and now I’m in this fantastic room, showing enormous talent, always with a lot of humility and sympathy, which always leaves the fans surrendered.

Fernando had as guests, Jimmy P in “Até Voltares“, Carlão in “Nada a perder“, Carolina Deslandes in “Fim” and Agir in “Sem ti“, they made this concert even more special.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”1035″ gal_title=”Fernando Daniel – G1@ Coliseu dos Recreios 2022.02.27”]

The albums are instant hits, “Presente” went directly to the first place of the top of the national sales in the first week, an album that succeeded “Salto”.

Fernando travelled between his albums, taking the audience through the themes of his two works, and ended with a debut, “Encontrar“, a duet with Piruka, who couldn’t be present, but even though he wasn’t in the room, we could hear them both.

Of course, Fernando Daniel had to return to the stage, the Coliseu would have collapsed if he didn’t, and in a very emotional moment, with tears on the faces of the singer and the audience, he sang alone at the piano, “Melodia da Saudade” where he remembers his grandfather and ended with “Espera“, a night in which the public left the Coliseum with full hearts.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”1036″ gal_title=”Fernando Daniel G2 @ Coliseu dos Recreios 2022.02.27″]

It was on social media where he once again thanked the public who had been to both coliseums “Sunday, like in Porto, I had the Lisbon Coliseum sold out to live the dream with me. Today I remain overwhelmed. Thank you all for this moment, I will never forget it. ❤️” – See the publication.

Fernando Daniel > Coliseu dos Recreios ©Luís M. Serrão – iNeews < 20220227

Concert setlist:

  • Intro + Cair
  • Nada Mais
  • Raro
  • Tal como sou
  • Até Voltares – with Jimmy P
  • Nunca
  • Sem medo
  • Nada a perder – with Carlão
  • Se eu
  • Mágoa
  • Fim – with Carolina Deslandes
  • Recomeçar
  • Voltas
  • Sem ti – with Agir
  • Nada resulta
  • Tu
  • Encontrar (it was supposed to be with Piruka, but he couldn’t be there)
  • Melodia da Saudade
  • Espera
Fernando Daniel > Coliseu dos Recreios ©Luís M. Serrão – iNeews < 20220227

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