Fernando Venâncio and Nuno Júdice win the Jacinto do Prado Coelho Award
The association justifies the distinction by stating that, without forgetting the history of Camões’ critical reception, Nuno Júdice frees the poet from his mythic halo and leads to the understanding of his thinking about love, death, the country and the world.
[dropcap]”[/dropcap]Camões por cantos nunca dantes navegados” is a work that helps to better understand the modernity of the poetics of Camões, undoubtedly enriching the panorama of Camonian studies.
Regarding the other distinguished, ‘Assim nasceu uma língua‘, says the association, it is a work in which a broad philological knowledge is often crossed with an intelligent humor.
The prize has the value of 4,000 euros that will be shared by the two authors and will be delivered on a date and place to be announced.
The award jury was composed by Ana Mafalda Leite, Liberto Cruz and Paula Cristina Costa.
Nuno Júdice is a professor at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, a poet, essayist, novelist, playwright and translator, who has won national and international awards several times.
Fernando Venâncio is a professor at the University of Amsterdam, essayist, novelist, chronicler, translator and linguist, with several works published in these different fields.