
Fernão de Magalhães circumnavigation trip sets the tone for the round table on the beach

Fernão de Magalhães’ circumnavigation trip was last Tuesday in Cidade da Praia, the subject of a round table organized by the University of Cape Verde (Uni-CV).

The event that took place during the passage of the Sagres ship through the Cape Verdean capital had a full room and pleased the organizers and participants.

It is an opportunity to reflect collectively and establish a network between all the territories that were touched by the circumnavigation trip.

The Sagres Ship exhibition is the most daring and extraordinary nautical exhibition in the history of mankind.

The one that, he continued, somehow came to revolutionize the conception of the world.

It is necessary to know, to disseminate, in addition to the aspect of plural reading of history that is “extremely important”, according to the same source, which still inspires science and technology today.

Importance of the Round Table

In turn, the round table is important for students to learn about Fernão de Magalhães’ circumnavigation trip, the impact it had on a global level, which made it possible to know the connection between the oceans, human diversity, and biodiversity. existing on the planet.

The school ship Sagres went overboard on the 5th of January from the Santa Apolónia Cruise Terminal in Lisbon and will pass through more than 20 ports in 19 different countries.

After the first stop in Tenerife, he went to Praia, then Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Cape Town, South Africa, Maputo, Jakarta, Tokyo, Honolulu (Hawaii), in the United States and Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

On December 30, the Sagres school ship arrives in Portugal, more precisely, in Ponta Delgada, in the Azores, with the return to Lisbon scheduled for January 10, 2021.

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