
Festa do Jazz 2021

Centro Cultural de Belém | Espaço Espelho D’Água | Lx Factory

  • 19th Edition takes place in the Small Auditorium of the Centro Cultural de Belém, in the Espaço Espelho D’Água and in the Ler Devagar Lx Factory
  • DECEMBER 18th and 19th
  • Live broadcast on RTP Palco

From the 18th to the 19th of December 2021, the 19th Edition of the Festa do Jazz will take place, the most important jazz festival held by Portuguese musicians in the world with the best of contemporary improvised music. The event returns to Lisbon in a face-to-face format and is open to the public.

The professional concerts in this edition take place, for the second time, at Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB), in Lisbon, and will once again count on RTP Palco as a partner. In this way, all of the Festa do Jazz 2021 content will be available on this platform, in addition to the concerts being broadcast live.

The Associação Sons da Lusofonia (ASL) with the artistic direction of the musician Carlos Martins, programmes, organizes and produces the Festa do Jazz, which culminates in a weekend of concerts and other activities that allow you to reflect on the current situation in this area of culture. currently.

This year, the Festa has, for the first time, the collaboration of Beatriz Nunes and Pedro Melo Alves in the event’s program, through the curatorship of a musical group/art project chosen by each of them that integrates the main concert program of the Festa do Jazz 2021.

About these invitations, Carlos Martins adds “as artistic director I have always sought to include the various musical trends present in the national jazz community. I believe now that the time has come to go further and that’s why I decided to call other ears to propose new music and new trends because this is essential to the Jazz Festival and any festival that wants to maintain the beauty and freshness created and cared for nearly 20 years. And we’ve already felt this momentum in this year’s schedule.

In this edition, the National Meeting of Jazz Schools also returns, in face-to-face and live format, in a program that takes place in its entirety at Espaço Espelho D’Água, very close to the CCB.

In this meeting, schools from north to south of the country play for a different audience, in a unique moment where participants can hear each other, have the teachers together vibrate with their combos, talk about music teaching in Portugal or still have older musicians listening to their potential successors.

The Festa do Jazz also continues in this edition to encourage debates and the construction of a critical mass in Portuguese jazz. For this purpose, the event promotes two conversations also at Espaço Espelho de Água, one about the Teaching of Jazz in Portugal, at 6 pm at 3 pm and the other about the need to work in a network in a conversation entitled Portugal Jazz (the Portuguese Jazz Network), in the same space on the 19th also from 3 pm. Essential moments for the construction and consolidation of the Portuguese jazz community.

“The Jazz Festival was for a long time the only Portuguese festival that inclusively called the various languages ​​on the Portuguese jazz scene, this being an essential premise for the construction of an idea of ​​broader belonging to all those who make good music regardless of their style. This year’s program continues this highly healthy and organic practice of having the best fruits of the season”, says artistic director Carlos Martins.

That’s why we can listen in this edition from the most unexpected group, even within what is new, to music consecrated by the time, quality and creative persistence of its composers and performers.

The Festa do Jazz is also the last event dedicated to this musical genre to take place this year in Portugal and, therefore, the program also followed the elementary principle of giving visibility and opportunity for public presentation to groups that had not been present at other jazz festivals in the Greater Lisbon region.

The Festa, which has always been at the forefront of social issues, also privileges gender equality in its programming, giving female performers and leaders the opportunity to present their projects. It still remains a common practice in Jazz, that of the spontaneous meeting of improvisers, since last year it has fostered the Encontros entre musicians, which in this edition has André Fernandes as curator of the Encontroa, which he called “Foca”.

Also in this edition are the Lurdes Júdice awards (the unforgettable Vice-President of Associação Sons da Lusofonia) for the Jazz Schools Meeting and the RTP/Festa do Jazz awards that celebrate the best of Portuguese jazz at 5 different levels.

Come to the Jazz Festival and make Culture in Portugal with us. The Culture that has had so many difficulties and that continues to fall short of expectations in terms of institutional financial support or the drafting of the artists’ statute”, concludes Carlos Martins.

Tickets can be purchased at Centro Cultural de Belém (Lisbon) on the days of the shows as well as online from the 2nd of December through TicketLine.


18 December | Saturday

Espaço Espelho d’Água
Free entry.

3:00 pm
Debate “Teaching in Jazz”
with Carlos Mendes (Art’J), João Paulo Esteves da Silva (ESML), Carlos Martins (Sounds of Lusofonia)

5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
National Meeting of Schools

Barreiro Jazz School/José Cardoso Ferreira
Lucia Bartolomeu, voice and piano
Joel Ramos, voice
David Fernandes, voice
Ricardo Rosa, guitar
Cláudia Gonçalves, piano
Jorge Vasconcelos, bass
Tiago Monteiro, drums
Teacher: Luís Lapa

Coimbra Music Conservatory Artistic School
Marta Rodrigues, guitar
Luís Silva, guitar
Igor Cavaz, saxophone
Caio Perini, double bass
Filipe Matos, drums
Teacher: Ricardo Formoso

Luiz Villas-Boas Jazz School / Hot Clube de Portugal
Margarida Mourão, voice
Henrique Oliveira, alto saxophone
Francisco Leite, piano
Guilherme Fortunato, guitar
André Pepe, double bass/electric bass
João Ventura, drums
Teacher: Nuno Costa

Higher School Showcases

Lisbon Superior School of Music
Ricardo Rosas, tenor saxophone
Mateus Saldanha, guitar
Hugo Wolf, piano
Pedro Silva, double bass
Gabriel Souto, drums
Teacher: Nelson Cascais

— // —

CCB – Small Auditorium
Entry is subject to ticketing.

Mariana Dionisio + Leonor Arnaut
Mariana Dionisio, voice
Leonor Arnaut, voice

Diogo Alexandre Bock Ensemble
André Fernandes, guitar
Oscar Graça, piano
Demian Cabaud, double bass
João Mortágua, soprano saxophone
Tomás Marques, alto saxophone
Paulo Bernardino, bass clarinet
Diogo Alexandre, drums and composition

Mané Fernandes, guitar, electronics and composition
João Barradas, MIDI accordion
Luca Curcio, double bass, sampler, bass synthesizer
Simon Albertsen, drums

9.50 pm
RTP Awards / Jazz Festival 2021
with Carlos Martins (Sons da Lusofonia) and João Almeida (Antenna 2)

André Fernandes, guitar
Mario Laginha, piano
José Pedro Coelho, tenor and soprano saxophone
João Hasselberg, double bass, electric bass, electronics
João Pereira, drums

— // —

Bookstore Ler Devagar
Free entry

with stain

[/one_half][one_half_last]19 Dezembro | Domingo

Espaço Espelho d’Água
Free entry.

3:00 pm
Debate “Portugal Jazz”
Carlos Martins (ASL), Massimo Cavalli (Lusíada University of Lisbon), Pedro Costa (Clean Feed)

5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
National Meeting of Schools

Professional Jazz Instrumentalist Course at Bemposta Basic and Secondary School
Samuel Miranda, electric bass
André Rocha, electric bass
Isaac Krasmann, guitar and voice
Salomão Boechat, alto saxophone
Pedro Ramos, drums
Teacher: Luís Domingos Miguel;
JAM – Jazz Academy of Music
Ines Baptista, voice
João Gonçalves, clarinet
Henrique Santos, guitar
José Quintas, guitar
Erik Dornelles, electric bass
Nuno Jorge, drums
Teacher: Nuno Ferreira
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Higher School Showcases

Jazz and Modern Music at the Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa
Mariana Froes, voice
Isaac Oliveira, piano
José Eduardo Maciel, electric bass
Tomás Almeida, drums
ESMAE Jazz Ensemble
Alexandre Cardoso, tenor saxophone
Hilário Castro, vibraphone
Hugo Ferreira, guitar
Ricardo Alves, guitar
Clara Lacerda, piano
Pedro Molina, double bass
João Pedro Almeida, drums
Teacher: Pedro Guedes

— // —

CCB – Small Auditorium
Entry is subject to ticketing.

Bruno Ramos, guitar and pedals
Guilherme Rodrigues, alto saxophone and objects
Miguel Gonzalez, drums and percussion
Zé Maria, baritone and alto saxophone, transverse flute

Bernardo Tinoco, saxophone
João Almeida, trumpet João Fragoso, double bass
João Sousa, drums

César Cardoso “Dice of Tenors”
César Cardoso, tenor saxophone and arrangements
Luís Cunha, trumpet
Tomás Marques, alto saxophone
Gil Dias, trombone
Jeffery Davis, vibraphone
Oscar Graça, piano
Demian Cabaud, double bass
Marcos Cavaleiro, drums

9.50 pm
National Meeting of Schools – Lurdes Júdice Awards

Sara Serpa Trio
Sara Serpa, voice
Ingrid Laubrock, saxophone
Demian Cabaud, double bass

— // —

Bookstore Ler Devagar
Free entry

with Ze Almeida Trio


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