The Resilient Cities Festival, which will take place on July 16th and 17th, is an initiative of the City Council of Coimbra and the Generator. With free entry, the initiative includes debates, masterclasses, and cultural activities.
What distinguishes a city? And what is the true meaning of “city”? Reflection on these major issues will take place during the 1st edition of the Festival Cidades Resilentes, an initiative that brings together, in Coimbra, on July 16th and 17th, more than three dozen personalities.
The event, promoted by the City Council of Coimbra – which is in the race for the title of European Capital of Culture in 2027 – in partnership with the Generator, is installed in the city to think about the organization and purpose of cities. The Resilient Cities Festival intends to discuss, with amplitude and plurality, the meaning of cities, their sustainability and regeneration and how they can be built for the following generations. Coimbra, due to its particular geographic situation, of a city with urban and rural duplicity, is the starting point for rethinking the concept of city in 2021.
Carlos Fortuna, Clara Almeida Santos and Paulo Peixoto – researchers at the University of Coimbra –, as well as Miguel Poiares Maduro (university professor and politician), Luís Araújo (president of Portugal Tourism), Saúl Neves de Jesus (sociologist and vice-rector of Universidade do Algarve) and Miguel Castro Neto (former secretary of state) are just some of the figures confirmed at the Festival.
The program also has names such as Pitanga (visual artist), David Santos (art historian and curator) and José Anjos, poet. From politics to the arts, these are some of the speakers who join in a series of conversations, taking place at Convento São Francisco, in Coimbra, and which will be transmitted online, on the festival’s website.
More info here