
Festival “SBSR.FM Em Sintonia” – Palco Ermelinda Freitas

"SBSR.FM Em Sintonia – Sintoniza-te na Música Nacional!" took national artists to Altice Arena, in Lisbon, on December 17th and 18th, for an unmissable festival that marked 2020.

See the galleries and get to know the artists who performed at the Ermelinda Freitas Stage at the SBSR.FM Em Sintonia

[dropcap]R[/dropcap]ádio SBSR.FM Em Sintonia – Sintoniza-te na Música Nacional! emerged as a response to the impossibility of holding the Super Bock em Stock this year, in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic and respective restrictions, both in the circulation of international artists and in the capacity of concert halls.

The festival offered 3 different stages. The third stage, the Stage Ermelinda Freitas (Sala Fernando Pessa), opened with the band Hause Plants, at 5:15 pm, followed by Domingues, at 6:35 pm, and Amaura, at 8:15 pm, and, on the last day of the festival, received Sreya, at 5:15 pm, Acid Acid, at 6:45 pm, and Jasmim at 8:00 pm.


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Hause Plants

In the daily routine, daydreaming can prevent us from fading. And that is the motto for Hause Plants. For Guilherme Correia, who composes, produces, and records from his room under the signature of Hause Plants, these dreams come in the form of songs. Lost between the urban life of nightlife, existential doubts typical of post-adolescence, and themes such as social anxiety, Hause Plants songs are bedroom pop in essence, but they also exist to be heard and played live, adding urgency and the vitality of the post-punk 80s with the ethereal landscapes of dream pop and shoegaze.

City Vocabulary“, a theme mixed and mastered by André Isidro, is the first single from Hause Plants and the first sample of what will be “Public Speaking“, the debut EP. With a fast pulse, fuzzy guitars and an atmosphere full of reverb, the delicate melodies of Guilherme Correia‘s voice describe a distant relationship through the lens of a young generation, without fear of the consequences.


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Diogo Domingues debuted in music at just 11 years old. He studied violin at the music conservatory for five years until he abandoned those studies to switch from violin to guitar-in self-taught mode. He starts making his covers without ever taking them out of the room, until he composes his first original song: “Insubstituível”. He shared it on Twitter and surprisingly got such positive feedback that he encouraged him to expose his stories, with the perfect sense that there was space for them outside his head. His thoughts, sometimes confused, take on another value in the rhymes and melodies he has the gift of creating. And from this process, songs like “Café em Paris” or “Deixa Arder” are born.

Thanks to themes like these, public feedback is significantly increased, a trend that culminates in “Fica”, a huge success that proves why Domingues is already considered by many to be the future of Portuguese music. The song has more than 5 million streams on different digital platforms and 4.5 million views on YouTube. Soon after, “Romance de Cinema” followed, another theme to feature on the tops of all digital platforms and which marks the debut by the label Good Fellas Good Music.


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Amaura is a beautiful example of how the fusion between cultures can impact the Portuguese music scene. Born and raised in Lisbon, Maura Magarinhos discovered her passion for music at an early age. Self-taught, she started composing her first themes on instrumental bases of other artists, evolving little by little in the writing that today characterizes her. The Tagus River always appears as a backdrop for the various routine episodes covered in her themes, transformed into unique moments by the mature voice with which she interprets them.

Her affirmation as a singer came later, encouraged by friends, and made her go after an old dream: to do r&b written and sung in Portuguese. She toured the circuit of bars in greater Lisbon and after doing small concerts with bands like Bling Project or TNT, invitations to collaborate with great names of Portuguese urban culture, such as Sam The Kid or Fred Ferreira, came up. “Em Contraste” promises to fix Amaura‘s name on the map of the best soul and r&b made in Portugal.


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Sreya makes songs in a light but committed way, in a frank mixture of reality with a very own fantasy. After “Emocional” (2017), which brought us songs in a worldbeat format, produced by Conan Osiris, with melodies and language both strange and familiar to Portuguese music, now comes “Cãezinha-Gatinha“, a pop ocean drained by several affluents – this time the production was in charge of Primeira Dama and Bejaflor.

The title “Cãezinha Gatinha” is born from an agglutination of terms that Sreya uses to describe her duality, a principle very present in the language, sounds, environments, colors and moods of her artistic creations: in a narrative divided into two parts, “Cãezinha Gatinha “will have, respectively, songs written in a past season in the Czech Republic and another half composed already in Lisbon.

Do Frio” is made of a dense and melancholic aura, in composition, lyric,s and even in the chosen instruments. In “No Calor” there are songs with higher energy, faster times, and lighter auras. In a record marked by diversity and consistency, traditionality and modernity, characteristics of both Sreya and pop, there is a constant melancholic-cheerful tone with a twist that goes from uncertainty to a more or less happy ending.


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Acid Acid

Acid Acid is the musical adventure of Tiago Castro, one of the voices of Rádio SBSR. The project created in 2014 has grown and gained new fans with each step of that growth. Starting from the guitar and the keys, Tiago gives us a piece of environmental music capable of involving us in a journey where the next stop is always a place of contemplation. And that is what happens on the new record. After the homonymous album of 2016, Tiago Castro now presents a new edition on vinyl, with the seal of Nariz Entupido.

Jodorowsky” its a reading about the universe of the Chilean director Alejandro Jodorowsky, a work that deepens the author’s vision around a musical language without borders, where the electronics merge with tribal rhythms and in which the psychedelic guitars dialogue with the synthesizers. “Jodorowsky” stems from a challenge launched by Motelx and includes the participation of Violeta Azevedo (flute and effects), who created unique beauty textures, accompanying the entire composition, from the first to the last minute. The album was recorded at the Spring Toast studio in Lisbon with production by Rui Antunes and Violeta Azevedo. The cover and graphic composition, which recovers the symbolism of Jodorowsky’s universe, is by Carlos Gaspar.


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Jasmim became a serious case of our contemporary musical spectrum after having surprised with the demo “Primavera” (2016) and with the EP “Oitavo Mar” (2017), showing his bucolic lyrical to the public and the critics. With the “Culto da Brisa” (2019), a disc of full contemplation, he got even more praise from most of the national press.

In the middle of the summer of 2020, he presents “Aqui não falta nada”, which is part of the new set of songs that Jasmim is recording at the Pontiaq Studios, with the production of Miguel Vilhena. From these sessions, his third original record will appear, with edition scheduled for the first quarter of 2021. On stage, Jasmim is accompanied by an illustrious band, formed by Violeta Azevedo, Humberto Dias, and Bia Diniz.


This festival was a production of Musica no Coração with the partnerships of Super Bock, Santa Casa de Lisboa, Casa Ermelinda Freitas, Tranquilidade, SIC, MOP, Filfogo and World Academy.

The Super Bock in Stock returns in 2021, on the 19th and 20th of November.

Read all about the Rádio SBSR.FM Em Sintonia – Sintoniza-te na Música Nacional! HERE

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