
Forever King of Pop returns to Portugal in 2020

Forever King of Pop returns to Portugal with new songs and choreography to mark the ten years of goodbye to the “King of Pop”, which took place on June 25, 2009.

Backed by Joseph Jackson, father of the musician and composer, and Jermaine and La Toya Jackson, his older brothers, Forever King of Pop has been touring countries such as France, Mexico, Spain and Germany, carrying the unavoidable musical legacy in his luggage. , which is still sung and danced today, and that many will never forget, of Michael Jackson. “Bad”, “Dirty Diana”, “Thriller”, “Earth Song” and “Smooth Criminal” are some of the themes Forever King of Pop revives and rekindles, mesmerizing audiences with rhythmic choreography, a memorable wardrobe and many “ moonwalks ”, the singer’s brand image. A rigorously and choreographed project, to which Michael Jackson’s own parent referred to it as “too good to be true” and where “it seemed to be seeing him there.”

The lead role lies with 23-year-old London artist Alex Blanco, who began imitating the artist in the year of his death and whose YouTube videos became so well known that they made him a real star with “Human Nature” on stage.

Forever King of Pop, to remember Michael Jackson

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