The Fort of S. João Baptista is about to become a “castle of science”. The reason is to mark another European Researchers’ Night, which will have scientific activities for all ages. SCIENCE CASTLE arrives this Friday, September 24th, and is free to attend.
The inspiration comes from the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions program, and every year it pursues the same goal: bringing citizens and researchers together and demystifying science.
The organization of the European Researchers’ Night 2021 – SCIENCE CASTLE project intends to do so through different experiences: “taking advantage of the framework of Fort S. João Baptista, younger participants will be able to tour the Fort as if it were an achievement, obtaining a stamp each time they participate in an activity in a scientific area related to a Horizon Europa mission (new framework program to support Research and Innovation in the European Union). In addition, we will have the Story Time, contests for families and even conferences, music and science quizzes”.
There are ten hours – between 2 pm and midnight on September 24th – of free entry activities and the full program can be consulted on the Science Castle website.
Launched in 2005, the European Researchers’ Night “shows the diversity of science and its impact on the daily lives of citizens, stimulating interest in research careers – especially among young people. In 2019, it attracted 1.6 million visitors in more than 400 cities in Europe and beyond.”