Frederico Morais confirmed at the Olympic Games
Frederico Morais has officially confirmed his presence at the Tokyo Olympic Games, despite having been eliminated in round 5 of the recaps of the World Surfing Games, taking place in El Salvador.
Besides Frederico Morais, Miguel Blanco was also sidelined in round 5 of the repechages. Vasco Ribeiro was relegated to the repechages, after not having gone beyond the third place in a heat of round 4, still remaining in the race for one of the five Olympic places available in the men’s competition.
In the women’s competition, Portugal is still at full strength, with Teresa Bonvalot and Yolanda Sequeira winning their heats in the qualifying round 4 and Carolina Mendes triumphing in the repechage round 4, maintaining aspirations to apply for one of the seven out of seven Olympic spots available.