
Freight carriers ask for government action

At a time when Covid-19 is affecting the world economy, the Association of Freight Forwarders of Portugal (APAT), which represents 260 international freight transport companies, asks the Government to take more measures for the sector, namely: flexibility in the drivers’ working hours and reduction/exemption from payment for road, air, rail, and sea infrastructures.

“APAT welcomes the measures already taken by the Government, but asks that other measures be taken for the freight forwarders sector, in order to continue to put all possible logistical solutions at the service of the nation, at a time when, following the guidelines of the DGS, we have to adopt, on a daily basis, alternative measures to transport these goods, with more costs and less revenue ”, says António Nabo Martins, executive president of an association whose members represent 1 percent of the national GDP.

“If it is true that in some situations we are true heroes, we also have to recognize that without this type of aid we will not be able, firstly, to fight against this fatality and, secondly, to survive by conserving companies, jobs and the cohesion of Portugal ”, he concludes.

It is recalled that it is thanks to the forwarding activity that it is possible for each country to have access to the supply of food, basic necessities, medicines, among many other products.

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