
French group STEF today inaugurates transport platform in the Algarve

The French logistics group STEF today inaugurates a transport platform in the Algarve dedicated to frozen or refrigerated products.

[dropcap type=”background”]S[/dropcap]peaking to Lusa, the director of the company in Portugal, François Pinto, without adding value to the investment, explained that “the Algarve has registered in recent years a very significant growth with a very important contribution of tourism and this platform allows to provide the region with a quality logistics device “.

The infrastructure, located in Algoz, has already started operating in the middle of last year, but only now the group has decided to officially open the platform, which has 1,200 square meters.

Its clients are companies that need to transport products that need refrigeration, whether in the supermarket, industrial, catering or other areas.

Portugal is integrated into the Iberian business unit of the STEF group, and the company has more platforms in Vila Real, Mangualde, Coimbra and Porto.

The group has already closed a cycle of investments that included the expansion of several of the infrastructures, but the responsible one guarantees that the company will resume expanding operations in 2020.

STEF employs around 550 people in the national market, according to François Pinto. In the Algarve, there are five direct jobs, for now.

Last year, the group accounted for 269 million euros in the Iberian Peninsula, up 9.5% year-on-year, according to François Pinto.

For this year, the manager has a similar evolution of turnover.

Customers of the new platform “transport all over Europe” and also to the domestic market, especially in the agri-food area, according to François Pinto, who believes that Algarve products are arousing interest outside Portugal.

STEF works in seven European countries and has 230 platforms.

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