
Future.Works received more than 2 thousand participants

The second and last day of Future.Works Lisbon 22, an initiative promoted by Landing.Jobs and imatch, which had, on the first day, more than 1,200 people attending the Lisbon Congress Center, more than 1,100 viewers, more than 3,000 people connected among themselves and more than 270 meetings, opened with the intervention of Mário Campolargo, Secretary of State for Digitization and Administrative Modernization and Andrew Spencer, Workforce Futurist.

According to Mário Campolargo, Secretary of State for Digitization and Administrative Modernization, this initiative annually shapes part of the technological ecosystem. “I recommend this event because it promotes dependence, very important, on the future of work, the globalization of technological jobs and, in fact, the dissociated transformation of Portugal”.

Taking the opportunity to reinforce that “we face this technological disruption as a way to modernize our public administration and we embrace dystopia as a tool to change the way the territory is adapted to future challenges”.

To talk about how we can rebuild societies, with new ways of learning, organizing work, teams and distributing equity, Andrew Spencer, Workforce Futurist, began by saying that “it was a technological innovation that allowed us to decentralize work to smaller teams. , similarly allowed us, two or three hundred years ago, to centralize and industrialize work. During the pandemic, we were able to see digitization processes, in just three months, which would take about five years and that allowed people to work remotely.

If I had to make a suggestion about the future of work, I would say to invest in learning and remain attentive to trends, not only in work but in society itself. That’s why you’re here at Future.Works. Additionally, invest in networking, in person and virtually, and think as if you were a company”.

After the opening session, there was a series of testimonies, during the morning, on international contracting, the globalization of technological work, the blockers of globalization, and working at a distance, among others, with the participation of speakers such as Liliana Gomes (Schneider Electric), Miguel Moreira (Independent), Ricardo Salgado (Kader Kenninson), Pedro Moura (Landing.Jobs), Lara Próspero (Microsoft), Manuel Garcia (APDC), Catarina Holstein (Jerónimo Martins), Bernardo Santos e Sousa ( Portugal Digital), Miguel Muñoz Duarte (imatch), Nuno Bento (Wild Code Institute) and Rui Miranda (Teamlyzer).

In turn, Liam Martim (Running Remote), Diogo Alves de Oliveira (Landing.Jobs), Carlos Soares Lopes (Startup Madeira), Catarina Salteiro (Startup Portugal), Gonçalo Hall (Nomadx) and Paulo Fernandes (Mayor of Fundão) are some of the speakers who will be present at the Lisbon Congress Center during the afternoon.

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